125 examples of mars' in sentences

"Is dat you, Mars' Milt?"

" "Don't you 'member Cindy's Mose, Mars' Pendleton, what 'migrated 'mediately after de war?" "Wait a moment," said the Major, rubbing his forehead with the tips of his fingers.

You 'member dem colts, Mars' Pendleton?" "I don't seem to recall the colts," said the Major.

" "And dat little baby of yo'n, Mars' Pendletonone what you name Miss LyddyI be bound dat little tad done growed up tell nobody wouldn't know her.

De war had done lef' old mars' po' hisself.

Old mars' bein' long ago dead, de debt descends to Mars' Pendleton.

Count de money, Mars' Pendleton.

"Mars' RossMars' Ross!

Aditwar or Raviwar is sun's day (Sunday); Somwar is moon's day (Monday); Mangalwar is Mars' day (mardi); Budhwar is Mercury's day (mercredi); Brihaspatiwar is the day of Diespiter or Jupiter (jeudi); Shukrawar is Venus' day (vendredi); Shaniwar is Saturn's day (Saturday).

"Chloe," Julius began in a subdued tone, "use' ter b'long ter ole Mars' Dugal' McAdoo,my ole marster.

"Well, one time Mars' Dugal' wanted a house boy, en sont down

"De noo house boy kotch' on monst'us fas', en it wa'n't no time ha'dly befo' Mars' Dugal' en ole mis' bofe 'mence' ter 'low Hannibal wuz de bes' house boy dey eber had.

En eve'y now en den he 'd git up en look up de road to'ds Mars' Marrabo's on de udder side er de swamp.

she tuk en showed 'im whar ter fin' de baby doll, Mars' Dugal' tu'nt w'ite ez chalk.

"Wen he tol' Mars' Dugal', Mars' Dugal' lafft, en said he 'd fix dat.

Howsomeber, bimeby Mars' Dugal' got a' answer fum de spekilater, who said he wuz monst'us sorry, but Jeff had fell ove'boa'd er jumped off'n de steamboat on de way ter Wim'l'ton, en got drownded, en co'se he could n' sell 'im back, much ez he'd lack ter 'bleedge Mars' Dugal'.

Howsomeber, bimeby Mars' Dugal' got a' answer fum de spekilater, who said he wuz monst'us sorry, but Jeff had fell ove'boa'd er jumped off'n de steamboat on de way ter Wim'l'ton, en got drownded, en co'se he could n' sell 'im back, much ez he'd lack ter 'bleedge Mars' Dugal'.

But 'long 'bout two weeks befo' dat time ole mars 'mence' ter lose a heap er bacon.

They professed to be entirely satisfied with their work and wages, and loath to leave them; but Mars' Union had cracked his whip, and disobedience was ruin, if not death.

"Done gone, Mars' John, now,"leaving it, and beginning to replenish the fire.

"Who are the others?" "Waal, dey is Miss Celia, an' Mars' Harry, an' Mars' Ruyven, an' Mars' Sam'l, an' de babby, li'l Mars' Benny.

"All de gemmen done say soMars' Varick, Mars' Johnsing, Cap'in Butler.

"Mars' George," murmured the old man, "yo' look lak yo' is gwine wed wif mah li'l Miss Dorry.

"Den she rub an' rub, but, bless yo' heart, Mars' George!

There came a tapping at the door, a shuffle of felt-shod feet "Mars' Gawge, suh, yo' hoss done saddle', suh.

125 examples of  mars'  in sentences