10 examples of nau in sentences

How, who......................Nalima, nau-gau, e-na-ma.

E Though called a province, this obviously refers to the city of Nankin; the Nau-ghin of the text being probably a corruption for Nan-ghin.

ki yaun Waus sa wa kom eg Ain dah nuk ki yaun Ne dau nig ainse e Ne gwis is ainse e Ishe nau gun ug wau Waus sa

Turning to the interpreter, one of them, Nau-non-gee, remarked, "The white chiefs' wives are amusing themselves very much; it will not be long before they are hoeing in our corn-fields!"

The fate of Nau-non-gee, one of the chiefs of the Calumet village, and who is mentioned in the early part of the narrative, deserves to be recorded.

" "Mee-dau-mee-nau-bo," was the reply.

In Berry, a district of Central France, the Yule log was called the cosse de Nau, the last word being an abbreviation of the usual French word for Christmas (Noël).

Berchther duke of, 89; Wolfdietrich educated at, 103; Hildburg at, 103. MER'KI-NAU.


Domna, estela marina de las autras plus luzens, la mars nos combat e·l vens; mostra nos via certana; car si·ns vols a bon port traire non tem nau ni governaire ni tempest que·ns destorbelha ni·l sobern de la marina.

10 examples of  nau  in sentences