4344 examples of robbing in sentences

not content with robbing me of every pleasure in life, I verily believe you were going to let me go downstairs with my hat cocked over one ear.

On one occasion, when he passed the barrier at Vincennes, our agents fell upon him and searched him, under pretence of robbing him.

They took the country by surprise, secretly, suddenly, like a summer storm, appearing in overwhelming numbers, burning, murdering, robbing, especially men in the hopes of a rich ransom, or children whom they might bring up as Mahometans and janizaries.

It was while Dr. Tusher was away at Salisbury that there came a troop of dragoons with orange scarfs, and quartered in Castlewood, and some of them came up to the Hall, where they took possession, robbing nothing, however, beyond the hen-house and the beer-cellar: and only insisting upon going through the house and looking for papers.

But as we were all well armed, and had never considered their attendance as anything more than a genteel way of buying them off from robbing us, we allowed them to lag as much as they chose.

Through the association of his person with the prying winds he came, curiously enough, to be the patron saint of a certain class of thieves, who stupefied their victims before robbing them.

Was it not for the purpose of robbing the train that we were attacked between Tchertchen and Tcharkalyk?"

Harry staid about three months, and lived by robbing the rice grounds, and by such other means as came in his way.

Did he teach them that "the laborer was worthy of his hire" by robbing them of theirs?

I could have laughed, had not the matter been so terribly serious, at the mixture of Mrs. Grundy, marriage-establishment, and hell, presented as an argument for robbing a mother of her child.

The net result of the proceedings was that had I gone to the Divorce Court in 1873, I might at least have obtained a divorce a mensa e thoro; that in my desire to avoid publicity, and content in what I believed to be secure possession of my child, I had agreed to a deed which fully protected Mr. Besant against any action on my part, but which could be set aside by him for the purpose of robbing me of my child.

" "Ruins are not so plenty in this country, my dear governess," returned her pupil, laughing, while the ardour of her eye denoted how serious she was in defending her favourite opinion, "as to justify us in robbing them of any little claims to interest they may happen to possess.

"The day will come when we shall prefer helping our neighbour to robbing himlegallyof a million dollars. "Do what good you can now, while it is unusual, and have the satisfaction of being a pioneer and an eccentric.

They had repaid the kindnesses of the missionaries with the basest ingratitude, killing their cattle and swine, and robbing them of their harvests, which they wantonly destroyed.

People were not infrequently robbed in their own doorways, and there was a recognized system of violent robbery known as "doorway robbing."

But with Aunt Polly and Julia there remained the sense of the old injury, robbing Shand of all his attributes of birth, and endowing even Crinkett with truth.

Driven with the power of an heart robbing eye, And wrapt in flowers of a golden tress, That can with melting pleasance mollify Their hard'ned hearts enur'd to blood and cruelty.

Viking Press, Inc. (PWH); 24Nov67; R423128. KAVANAGH, JOHN F. Bank robbing made easy.

And all this will be paid for by the industrious men whom you live by robbing.

Thus, in the very outset of her new departure, arose apprehensions which followed her continually, robbing her religious exercises of all peace, and bringing her such a depth of misery that, she says, it almost destroyed her soul.

If any have been hard upon thee, bearing false witness an' robbing thee o' thy freedom an' thy good name, go not hence until ye forgive.

For whom you thus contend, is seized by some Night-robbing villains.

The pirate is truly fond of women and wine, and when not engaged in robbing, keeps maddened with intoxicating liquors, and passes his time in debauchery, singing old songs with chorusses like "Drain, drain the bowl, each fearless soul, Let the world wag as it will: Let the heavens growl, let the devil howl, Drain, drain the deep bowl and fill.

[Illustration: Pirates robbing the brig Mexican of Salem, Mass.]

" The Panda after robbing the Mexican, pursued her course across the Atlantic, and made Cape Monte; from this she coasted south, and after passing Cape Palmas entered the Gulf of Guinea, and steered for Cape Lopez which she reached in the first part of November.

4344 examples of  robbing  in sentences