57 examples of sarre in sentences

Towards half-past four, in the twilightthe twilight begins early in DecemberJeanty Sarre took four men with him and went out to reconnoitre.

"Thank God!" said Jeanty Sarre, "they have not killed him."

Jeanty Sarre recognized him.

They asked Jeanty Sarre, "Who is he?" Jeanty Sarre answered, "It is some one.

Jeanty Sarre offered him the command.

Jeanty Sarre told Denis of the fighting in the Rue Saint Denis.

Behind them, the men of the Petit Carreau were crowded round Denis and Jeanty Sarre, and leaning on the crest of their barricade, stretching their necks towards the Mauconseil redoubt, they watched them like the gladiators of the next combat.

Charpentier said to Jeanty Sarre, "We shall all be killed.

" "Shall we really!" said Jeanty Sarre.

Jeanty Sarre ordered the door of the wine-shop to be closed, so that their barricade, completely shrouded in darkness, would give them some advantage over the barricade which was occupied by the soldiers and lighted up.

"Present," cried Jeanty Sarre, "but do not fire; wait for the order.

"Charpentier," said Jeanty Sarre, "you have good eyes.

"Quick, to the ambulance:" said Jeanty Sarre.

" All this took place while Jeanty Sarre and Charpentier were carrying the wounded man to the ambulance in the Rue du Cadran.

A feeble voice close by said to them, "Jeanty Sarre!

," said Jeanty Sarre, "I must unload my gun."

Jeanty Sarre re-entered the barricade, fired a last shot and went away.

Jeanty Sarre was the first to climb it; having reached the summit, one of the spikes pierced his trousers, hooked them, and Jeanty Sarre fell headforemost upon the pavement.

Jeanty Sarre was the first to climb it; having reached the summit, one of the spikes pierced his trousers, hooked them, and Jeanty Sarre fell headforemost upon the pavement.

Jeanty Sarre knew where the keeper of the Passage lived.

Jeanty Sarre squeezed himself against the wall behind one of those projecting columns which decorate the Passage; but the column was very thin, and only half covered him.

When it cleared away, Jeanty Sarre saw Charpentier stretched on the stones, with his face to the ground.

Jeanty Sarre heard them going away by the Rue Montmartre.

Jeanty Sarre looked for the number, woke the porter, told him the name of his friend, was admitted, went up the stairs, and knocked at the door.

They climbed the grated gateway of the Passage Verdeau as Jeanty Sarre and Charpentier had scaled the Passage du Saumon, had jumped over, and had fled down the Passage.

57 examples of  sarre  in sentences