4 examples of tabret in sentences

And that was all my poor cousin got by making his old mistress his new wifenot a drum, not a trumpet, not a fife, not a tabret, nor the expectation of a new joy, to animate him on!

And let me ask thee, if thou dost not think, that either the mayor, the ambassador, or the general would not make very pitiful figures on their galas, did not the trumpets and tabrets call together the canaille to gaze at them?Nor perhaps should we be the most guilty heroes

With Abu Jahl at its head, and accompanied by slave girls with lutes and tabrets, who were to gladden the eyes and minister to the pleasure of its warriors, the Kureisch army moved on through the desert towards its destined goal; but we are told by a recorder, "dreams of disaster accompanied it, nor was its sleep tranquil for the evil portents that appeared therein."

They did not march ahead of their beloveds waving a crook as wand of office or appealing to the esthetic sides of their ideal followers with a tabret and pipe.

4 examples of  tabret  in sentences