28 examples of winningly in sentences

But in the woods or on the playground he was the merriest, most daring, and winningly obstreperous lad that ever filled three maiden aunts with terror and delight.

"You mustn't discourage me," he said winningly.

Perhaps a beautiful woman is never so winningly lovely as when, in her neat morning attire, she seems fresh and sweet as the new-born day.

" Zarír, however, reasoned with him so winningly and effectually, that at last he consented to return; but only upon the condition that he should be nominated heir to the throne, and treated with becoming respect and ceremony.

The other smiled winningly.

"See here, boy," she said, laying her gloved hand winningly on Andy's sleeve, "what is your name?"

He opened his eyes and smiled most winningly towards Dawson.

He smiled suddenly and very winningly into the stern grey eyes.

" She smiled subtly at me and then winningly at the inspector as she turned towards him.

Edward seated himself on a low cricket at the foot of the lounge, and, looking up in George's face, said most winningly, "Please go on, Mr. Ware."

Not that she was in any way a great genius, but she had a certain indefinable and winningly individual quality.

And she looked winningly up into her face.

" "There," she said winningly, taking a large forkful of potatoes.

Tom, a slimmer darker trophy elk, smiled winningly and shook hands.

She thought she could illustrate with some spirit the latent coquetry of the imprisoned beauty; she believed, notwithstanding the fashion in which the story measured out their speech in rations,always an appropriate bit, and just so much of it to each,that the gay Zorayda must have had the principal hand in their affairs; must have put the others up to mischief, and coaxed most winningly the discreet Kadiga.

The Penobscot glimmered winningly.

The Toff: [Laying his hand very gently on Sniggers' arm, speaking softly and winningly.]

" 'It is hard to give in an English translation an idea of the richness of the verse, heavily rhymed and winningly alliterated, but you will see that he enumerates the natural objects with skill.

He smiled winningly.

It was winningly spoken, restoring her self-confidence in a second.

His ordinary aspect was severe, almost saturnine; but he was wont to destroy this effect with his thin-lipped smile that broke winningly over small white teeth and surprisingly hinted an alert young man behind these flickering shadows of age.

In particular she played one episode, the trying over of a new song, in a winningly natural manner.

Those who wheedled most winningly got the places, and the result in less than two months was such a mess of scandal, as drove them, like whipped curs, back to their kennels; but the editor of the Visiter took a good look at each of the hundred applicants, and from them selected three, who had heads, not hat pins, on their shoulders.

She put out her hand to him very winningly.

It was very winningly spoken, but as she spoke she leaned her head suddenly against the arm she held and stifled a sob.

28 examples of  winningly  in sentences