Which preposition to use with auctioneers

in Occurrences 11%

The auctioneer in America is a curious specimen of the biped creation.

of Occurrences 7%

I had an interview with El-Martel-Warabah, government auctioneer of slaves, from whom I obtained details respecting the slave-trade in Tangier and Morocco generally.

through Occurrences 1%

His pipe was well alight at last, and he was nodding to the Auctioneer through a fragrant cloud.

to Occurrences 1%

The citizens, however, declined the bargain, and the building passed from the hammer of the auctioneer to that of the house-breaker.

with Occurrences 1%

A facetious auctioneer with the village policeman's arm round his neck was sitting on the wall at the end of the field, addressing everybody very frequently as "Gentlemen."

Which preposition to use with  auctioneers