Which preposition to use with robinson

in Occurrences 12%

Landor wrote to Crabb Robinson in April, 1831:

of Occurrences 10%

Or the scholarly and urbane Robinson of Ethiopian extraction?" "Dead," said the captain.

at Occurrences 4%

His marriage with Helen Seatown, the daughter of a nonconforming minister, increased his repugnance to bearing arms, which might be turned against the party to which he was now so closely connected; and he threw up his commission, and soon afterwards accompanied his father-in-law to Holland, and joined the congregation of the respected Robinson at Leyden.

to Occurrences 4%

Robinson to Crabb Robinson, dated December 22, 1833, concerning Lamb's Christmas turkey, which went first to Crabb Robinson at the Temple and was then sent on to Lamb, presumably with the note in the hamper.

on Occurrences 4%

Lamb sent the pamphlet to Crabb Robinson on February 7, 1810, saying:"My Brother whom you have met at my rooms (a plump good looking man of seven and forty!) has written a book about humanity, which I transmit to you herewith.

with Occurrences 3%

I have thought of George Fielding, and am sure that poor Robinson with such a companion would be as honest as the day, and a useful friend, for he is full of resources.

as Occurrences 3%

After his liberation he returned to England, and was appointed Governor of the Isle of Man, and subsequently Governor of Victoria; and, in 1889, was appointed to succeed Sir Hercules Robinson as Chief Commissioner at the Cape.

for Occurrences 3%

Dear Sir, We have to thank you, or Mrs. Robinson for I think her name was on the directionfor the best pig, which myself, the warmest of pig-lovers, ever tasted.

during Occurrences 1%

But it is probable that the place was included in Milwaukee Mission as early as 1835, and that the class was formed by Rev. Mark Robinson during that year, or by his successor, Rev. Wm. S. Crissey, the year following.

between Occurrences 1%

It reminds me of a shovel full of popcorn, which the more you watch it the more it won't pop, till at last it all goes racketing off at once, pop, pop, pop; without your having time to say Jack Robinson between.

about Occurrences 1%

Harry went out and had a talk with Bandy Robinson about the matter.

Which preposition to use with  robinson