335 Verbs to Use for the Word evenings

But before our separation, I assisted my friend in concealing our aerial vessel, and received a promise from him to visit, and perhaps spend with me the evening of his life.

I occasionally passed an evening at Niblo's Garden, viewing the many beauties of "The Black Crook," which was then having its long run, under the management of Jarrett & Palmer, whose acquaintance I had made, and who extended to me the freedom of the theater.

W. enjoyed his evening.

I remember so well one evening when we had the chorus of the Conservatoire and they sang quite beautifully the old "Plaisirs d'Amour" of our childhood.

I am so lonely, and I dread being more lonely still when papa leaves this evening.

Some Chinese Jugglers gave an entertainment here the other evening, but I didn't go, not being in the Juggler Vein.

As soon as you call off your servant, I shall wish you a very good evening.

"Don't spoil the happiest evening of an old man's life.

"I've been thinking," said Smith, as he refilled his pipe, "of what the Doctor was saying the other evening about every body having a streak of the vagabond in him, which makes him relish an occasional tramp in the old woods among the natural things; things that have not been marred by the barbarisms, so to speak, of civilization.

Philip, old chap," he added, as he set his glass down and without the slightest protest watched it replenished, "that's a thundering good play of yours I've seen this evening, but you'll never write one to beat this!"

Once his mother had noticed this, so she told Lippo one evening, not to say this again.

She stopped quite cheerfully to bid her good evening, as she had done in her vigorous days, before she grew old.

Mark, one cold winter's morning, started on an errand to the lumber shanty I speak of, calculatin' to return the same evening.

It took him many evenings, however, to complete it, and a good many more to construct in the elm tree a thin wooden house cunningly perched upon several of the strongest boughs and branches.

We shook hands and parted with our boatmen at the pleasant village of Pottsdam, where we arrived the second evening after leaving Tupper's Lake.

When John Randolph called that evening he was ushered into the presence of Isabelle.

SIR, The Post is just going out, and I have many other Letters of very great Importance to write this Evening, but I could not omit making my Compliments to you for your Civilities to me when I was last in Town.

W. finished his evening at Lady Salisbury's, who had a farewell reception for all the plenipotentiaries.

I reached the restaurant at which we were to dine that evening punctual to the moment, only to find that Hayle had not yet arrived.

"Yes, I know, Edi, that you would prefer to begin this evening and fight through the whole day to-morrow," she cried, half sobbing, half defiant, looking across the table, "if Papa had not forbidden it.

The doctrines he had heard that evening ought to have been reserved for times the most flagrantly profligate and abandoned.

Tuesday night, I have been drinking egg-hot and smoking Oronooko (associated circumstances, which ever forcibly recall to my mind our evenings and nights at the "Salutation").

The President, Marshal MacMahon, was living at the Prefecture at Versailles and received every Thursday evening.

The three officers started out late one fine evening from Rockaway Air Station in a balloon for a practice trip.

" "What an evening we are having, to be sure," said my father, turning to the doorway.

335 Verbs to Use for the Word  evenings