5 Verbs to Use for the Word fyre

Whylest seeking to aslake thy raging fyre, Thou in me kindlest much more great desyre, 5 And up aloft above my strength doth rayse

The durefull oake whose sap is not yet dride Is long ere it conceive the kindling fyre; But when it once doth burne, it doth divide Great heat, and makes his flames to heaven aspire.

That both to thee, to whom I meane it most, And eke to her whose faire immortall beame Hath darted fyre into my feeble ghost, That now it wasted is with woes extreame, 25 It may so please, that she at length will streame Some deaw of grace into my withered hart, After long sorrow and consuming smart.

The powre thereof, which ofte in me I find, Let it likewise your gentle brest inspire With sweet infusion, and put you in mind Of that proud mayd whom now those leaves attyre: Proud Daphne, scorning Phrebus lovely** fyre, On the Thessalian shore from him did flie; For which the gods, in theyr revengefull yre, Did her transforme into a laurell-tree.

Sarl. I'l followe and coold wish Boath cloyster and whole villadge weare a fyre Only to dry my clothes by.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  fyre