6 Verbs to Use for the Word incivility

We let him in shortly, and gave him some food, which he carried with him out of doors; then, coming back, he excused his incivility of the night before.

"Mr. Lovelace sent twice a day to inquire after my brother, and on the fourth day came in person, and received great incivilities from my two uncles, who happened to be there.

"The officer came up to me and said very politely: "'You are free now, sir,' and something about regretting incivility, and something, I think, about them perhaps wanting me again to give some sort of evidence.

I repaid this incivility on her part by promptly photographing her from different points.

I forced myself to do this, for, considering the cordiality they had shown me, it would have required more incivility than I possessed to pass through the town without paying my respects.

"Merely warning youpardon my incivility, fatherbut I might grow tired watching you be a bad example.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  incivility