83 Verbs to Use for the Word quarts

Let fry; then stir in 1 tablespoonful of flour; add 1/2 cup of water; let boil; add 1 quart of shrimps, salt, pepper and parsley.

Have ready a large saucepan, capable of holding 3 or 4 quarts, full of boiling water.

When the wort has done working, the second or third day the yeast will sink rather than rise in the middle; remove it then, and turn the ale as it works out; pour a quart in at a time, and gently, to prevent the fermentation from continuing too long, which weakens the liquor.

To each quart of walnut-juice allow 3 quarts of vinegar, 1 pint of Indian soy, 1 oz. of cayenne, 2 oz. of shalots, 3/4 oz. of garlic, 1/2 pint of port wine.

The cider, sir, of our county is one of our most valuable commodities; so much esteemed in distant places, that our merchants often sell it by the bottle, for more than the soldier has to give for the provision of a day; and of such strength, that I, who am accustomed to the use of it, never was able to drink three quarts in any single day.

There was quite a crowd around the camels watching them peacefully chew their cuds, as they do at evening on the dessert, and the Arabs who had charge of the camels were standing around, posing as though they were the whole thing, when the old black, double-hump camel got his quart of horseradish down into one of his stomachs, as he was kneeling down on all fours.

Animals, to be kept in good condition, and fit for proper service, should eat their ten and twelve quarts of grain per head per day, with hay in proportionsay, twelve pounds.

Gather the flowers of Elder, pick them very clean, and dry them in the Sun on a gentle heat, and take to every quart of Vinegar a good handfull of flowers and let it stand to Sun a fortnight, then strain the Vinegar from the flowers, and put it into the barrell againe, and when you draw a quart of Vinegar, draw a quart of water, and put it into the Barrell luke warme.

The cost of a tin, containing 2 quarts, or 4 lbs., is about £2, and for a small one, containing the green fat, 7s.

I believe, sir, every gentleman, who examines the expense of his family, will find that each of his servants consumes daily at least three quarts of small beer, and surely it is not to be required that a soldier should live in a perpetual state of war with his constitution, and a constant inability to comply with the calls of nature.

"And dost thou in sooth catch them by dropping salt on their pretty tails?" "Yea," quoth Robin, "but this salt is of an odd kind, let me tell thee, for it can only be gotten by boiling down a quart of moonbeams in a wooden platter, and then one hath but a pinch.

For 40 centimes one may purchase a bottle of vin de gard, a thin tipple, doubtless; but what kind of claret could one buy for fourpence a quart at home?

But, sweet chuck, I prythee bring three quarts of ale at least, one for thy drinking and two for mine, for my thirst is such that methinks I can drink ale as the sands of the River Dee drink salt water.

The first animal to open up the chorus was the hippopotamus, 'cause we gave him about four quarts of horseradish on account of his mouth, and he swallowed it at one mouthful.

You want one quart of gin;I comprehend.

Here helms and swords are made of chalices: The blood of Christ is sold so much the quart: His cross and thorns are spears and shields; and short Must be the time ere even his patience cease.

Rice to be boiled in the ordinary manner requires two quarts of boiling water to one cupful of rice.

and cook a quart of peas as for Peas Puree When well done, if the Scotch peas, rub through a colander to remove the skins.

The women of every degree (to borrow a phrase from that great phrase-monger, Horace Walpole) "cried quarts;" and the procession to the churchyardthat very churchyard to which he had himself attended so many of his patientswas now followed by all of them that remained alive.

INGREDIENTS.2 partridges, 3 slices of lean ham, 2 shred onions, 1 head of celery, 1 large carrot, and 1 turnip cut into any fanciful shapes, 1 small lump of sugar, 2 oz. of butter, salt and pepper to taste, 2 quarts of stock No. 105, or common, No. 106.

Now get washed for supper, for your papa will soon be here, and I think he'll fetch a quart of carrot ice cream, as it is so hot.

To furnish two quarts of beer, sir, every day for nothing, is, undoubtedly, an imposition sufficiently grievous; and I can, therefore, discover no reason for which an allowance of three should be established; a proposal injurious to the victualler, because it exacts more than he can afford to allow, and of no benefit to the soldier, because it offers him more than he can want.

Treasurer, measure out to each of them a quart of gold coin.

To his acquaintance he offers two quarts of wine for one he gives.

She ordered a quart of champagne and insisted that I sit down and drink with her.

83 Verbs to Use for the Word  quarts