31 Verbs to Use for the Word stockade

We built the stockade in a day.

Ere he had reached that high and strong stockade From whence, alas!

They had cleared a wide space in the forest, and on a little hill some two hundred yards from Will's Creek and four hundred from the Potomac, had erected the stockade.

"Yonder Britishers and renegades are but holding our attention in order to give Thayendanega's wolves a chance to scale the stockade," he said, hurriedly.

The man was questioned as to his mode of passing the stockade, when he confessed he had fairly clambered over it, an exploit of no great difficulty from the inside.

As the overseer approached the stockade, his ideas were so abstracted that he forgot the risk he ran; but walking carelessly towards the palisades, the dogs barked, and then he was saluted by a shot.

As we left the stockade I noted the row of Meebaw scalps hanging, grim and bloody, from the poles.

However, he descended the Ohio River with a flotilla of a hundred canoes, besides keel-boats and pirogues, to the mouth of the Hockhocking, where he built and garrisoned a small stockade.

By this time, the trench was dug, most of the timber was prepared, and the business of setting up the stockade was commenced.

No other living thing seemed in the woods encircling the stockade.

By day he follows the activities of his own city and the doings of nearby chiefs; but when it is time to close the stockade, to laager the wagons, to draw the thorn-bush back into the gap, then in all lands he reverts to the Tribal Herald, who is also the tribal Outer Guard.

At Davis's Mill, about half-way between Holly Springs and Grand Junction, they found a small stockade, garrisoned by two companies of infantry, protecting the railway bridge.

By way of defence they now and then threw up a rude stockade of earth or stone, modifications of the primitive rath, more often they made no defence, or merely twisted a jungle of boughs along the pathways to break the advance of their more heavily armed foes.

"Well, sir, we worked like fun to git the stockade built 'cording to form; and our mated pair o' foxes planted in the same.

I hear the cries Of those that perish in yon high stockade O many a tender lad, and lonesome maid, Sweet wife and sleeping babe, and hero old

Clark in his "Memoir" asserts that he designedly let them through, and could have shot them down as they tried to clamber over the stockade if he had wished.

The fires had been replenished, the men lined the stockade and were firing fast.

" By the "new works" he meant the stockade over which we had come, and I hastened to impart the information to Sergeant Corney and Jacob, knowing full well that they would be as interested in the venture as was I.

"The rascal overlooks the stockade.

Quivering from head to heel, now hot, now cold, and strangling with the fierce desire for her whom I was losing more hopelessly every moment, I started aimlessly through the starlight, pacing the stockade like a caged beast, and I thought my swelling heart would choke me if it broke not to ease my breath.

" "We had best have all ready to retire to the house if they carry the stockade.

They built and burnt innumerable stockades for and against: built wooden Forts which are now stone Towns.

Nicholas regarded the stockade with a cold and beady eye.

As the Indians advanced they shot down most of the cattle and hogs and some of the horses that were running frantically round the stockade; and they likewise shot several dogs that had sallied out to help their masters.

That night, as Hongi's victims were sleeping securely, the Ngapuhi rushed the stockade and all within were killed or taken.

31 Verbs to Use for the Word  stockade