72 examples of blood-thirsty in sentences

"Come now, my lovely fighter, my gentle giant, sup this'tis life, and here behold a venison steak fit for Duke Ivo's self, come" "Nay, first," says Beltane, sitting up, "are there many hurt?" "Aye, never fear for that, my blood-thirsty dove, they be all most completely dead save one, and he sore wounded, laus Deo, amen!" "Dead!" cried Beltane, shivering, "dead, say you?" "Aye, Sir Paladin, all sweetly asleep in Abraham's bosom.

[Footnote A: The following paragraph, which has recently been going the rounds of the newspapers, will serve to show the sort of manners which prevail in the state so fitly represented by Mr. Foote, and how these southern ruffians experience in their own families the natural effect of the blood-thirsty sentiments which they so freely avow: "THE DEATH OF MR.

he asked; "you look decidedly blood-thirsty.

210 But holdI see her from the covert break; Sad on yon little eminence she sits; Intent she listens with one ear erect, Pond'ring, and doubtful what new course to take, And how to escape the fierce blood-thirsty crew, That still urge on, and still in vollies loud, Insult her woes, and mock her sore distress.

He was not cruel and blood-thirsty,he was even kind and amiable; but he was a fool, who could not comprehend the conditions by which only he could reign in safety; who could not understand the spirit of the times, or appreciate the difficulties with which he had to contend.

Oh! blood-thirsty bourgeois!

"I shall tell you the simple facts, if only to save my skin from this blood-thirsty district attorney.

A poor old tailor on his way home one evening was seized by the blood-thirsty animal, and his screams for help filled the little town.

We also contrast the beautiful appearance of the tiger with its cruel and blood-thirsty disposition, and endeavour to shew these men and women in miniature, that it is a dangerous plan to judge of things by outward appearances, but that there is a more correct way of judging, which forms a part of the business of education to explain.

Comes of having anything to do with these blood-thirsty foreigners, eh?

The Lynchers, however, pursued the officer of the law, dragged him from his horse, bruised him, and conveyed the prisoner to the most convenient point of the city for carrying their blood-thirsty designs into execution.

The Lynchers, however, pursued the officer of the law, dragged him from his horse, bruised him, and conveyed the prisoner to the most convenient point of the city for carrying their blood-thirsty designs into execution.

"You're no man, if you can sit and look on quietly; hands off, you blood-thirsty niggar," he vociferated, and threw himself over the side of the gallery in a twinkling; clambering down by a pillar into the boxes, and scrambled across the pit, over every person in his way, till he reached the noisy boatswain's mate.

In the hard years that followedyears in which the blood-thirsty and piratical games of his boyhood paled to the mildest of imaginingsthe nickname still clung, long after he had ceased to resent it; long after he had stripes and braid to refute it.

SECONDLY, barbarous as these poor heathens are, they appear to be as capable of knowledge as we are; and in many places, at least, have discovered uncommon genius and tractableness; and I greatly question whether most of the barbarities practiced by them, have not originated in some real or supposed affront, and are therefore, more properly, acts of self-defence, than proofs of inhuman and blood-thirsty dispositions.

"If it is the determination of the people of Savannah to deliver up to a lawless and blood-thirsty mob every person coming among them whose sentiments are opposed to slavery, I apprehend there are very few at the North who would not be obnoxious to their hostility.

It must be remembered that, as Roosevelt remarks (97) these Indians, under the influence of the Moravian missionaries, had been "transformed in one generation from a restless, idle, blood-thirsty people of hunters arid fishers into an orderly, thrifty, industrious folk; believing with all their hearts the Christian religion.

" There is a certain deliberate and blood-thirsty earnestness about this letter which must have shown the whites clearly, if they still needed to be shown, what bitter cause they had to rue the wrongs that had been done to Logan.

Moreover, he had to keep content and loyal a population of alien race, creed, and language, while he held his own against the British and against numerous tribes of Indians, deeply imbittered against all Americans and as blood-thirsty and treacherous as they were warlike.

To them he was in peace a lazy, dirty, drunken beggar, whom they despised, and yet whom they feared; for the squalid, contemptible creature might at any moment be transformed into a foe whose like there was not to be found in all the wide world for ferocity, cunning, and blood-thirsty cruelty.

It was never learned whether the deed was the mere wanton outrage of some blood-thirsty young braves, or the result of orders given by one of the Indian councils.

Then you might have been able to control us; but when you see before you a desperate highwayman, a daring smuggler, a blood-thirsty pirate, a wily poacher, a powerful ruffian, a reckless burglar, a bold conspirator, and a murderer by proxy, you well may tremble!"

The most frightful stories had been circulated concerning the blood-thirsty character of these soldiers, particularly the German portion.

Here we see the murderous villains of the Boston Christmas-day mobs, no longer blood-thirsty, but smiling and happy as they listen to the songs of birds, the bleating of their own flocks, the laughter of their delighted children, while the prosperous fathers "tickle the bosom of their own mother earth with the hoe to make it laugh with abundant crops for man and beast."

The bodies of the slain were then laid upon the altar of Puukohola as an offering to the blood-thirsty divinity Kukailimoku.

72 examples of  blood-thirsty  in sentences