205 examples of cached in sentences

The furred creatures like the mink and the ermine were safest, for during the warmer hunting days they were of the kind that cached meat.

In her was developed to its finest point that sixth sense of the animal kingdom, the sense of orientation, and as straight as a pigeon might have winged its flight she cut through the bush to the spot where they had cached the rabbit.

A house-to-house search had been madefruitlessly, for our little arsenal was safely cached in a field, beneath growing grain.

Am I to go up an' ask Bully West where he keeps his fire-water cached?

To utilize these stored-up thoughts, you must express them to others; and to be able to express them well your soul has to soar into this subconscious realm where you have cached these net results of experience.

"I cached her away outside of town to wait forus!

"Hal," he said softly, "they's some men go around for years an' huntin' for a girl whose picture is in their bean, cached away somewhere.

A few steps under the cover Bruce halted and pointed to the hollow in which Thor had cached his meat.

We have now been absent thirty-four days, and as we cached some of our supply on Yellowstone lake for Mr. Everts' relief, we are now on short rations, but the fish we dried while camped on Yellowstone lake are doing good service.

Mr. Hauser told them that they would meet a large party up the cañon, but we did not see them, and they evidently cached themselves as we went by.

In it, several wagons and large cases of goods were cached by our company, and secret marks were put on trees near by, so that they could be recovered, should their owners return for them.

Sullen and dejected, he cached the contents of his wagons, and with a meagre supply of food in a pack on his back, he and his wife, each carrying a child, set forth to finish the journey on foot.

At Geyser Springs, the company cached valuable goods, among them several large cases of books and other heavy articles belonging to my father.

How thankful we all were that our heaviest boxes had been cached at Geyser Springs!

The following morning ten men started on their toilsome march to Bear Valley, where they arrived on the thirteenth, and at once began searching for the abandoned wagon and provisions which Reed and McCutchen had cached the previous Autumn, after their fruitless attempt to scale the mountains.

He'd come down from the head of the lake in that speed boat of his, and this time daylight caught him before he could get back to where he had her cached, after starting a string of little fires in the edge of my north limit.

The woods are safer than the river, for the reeds are full of cached canoes.

They have been cached among the woods all day between Poitou and Sainte Marie.

Then Old Man knew that the raven was the one who had kept the buffalo cached.

When we got well into the pine woods we camped and cached our traps and provisions on an island, and made our camp further down the stream and some little distance from the shore.

and I asked wt was ye matter with him and hee answered shee pricked mee and the French garle answered noe shee did not it was goodie Crump and then shee put her hand ouer the bed sid and said give mee that thing that you pricked Mr. Selleck with and I cached hold of her hand and found a pin in it

That's just it," screamed Fairley; "you've got 'em cached only two mile from yer, and you'll go and get 'em for a half dollar, cash down.

Although most of the gang were arrested, it is known that two escaped, who, it was presumed, cached the treasure, amounting to nearly $500,000 in gold, drafts, and jewelry, as no trace of the property was found.

Low cached the remaining provisions and the few cooking-utensils under the dead embers and ashes, obliterating all superficial indication of their camp-fire as deftly and artistically as he had before.

There he rested his longears for a day, and disinterred certain tenderfoot luxuries which he had cached when he was there last time.

205 examples of  cached  in sentences