51 examples of caddying in sentences

But so far as I could learn, these clanlets of the Algonquin house were no more comparable to the fighting tribes of the West than a Highland caddie in an Edinburgh close is to a hill

He wandered into the oldest parts of Edinburgh, and Scott obtained for him the services of a friendly caddie to accompany him on some of these occasions lest the old parson should come to any harm.

Other words in the dialect are "caddie" = to humbug; "cham" = to chew; "barken" = a homestead; and "bittle" = a mallet.

Aunt Caddie, 10 cents; Uncle Gilman, 5 cents; Cousin Walter, 4 cents; cash, 25 cents,$1.04 and the penny talent returned.

This was excusable in her, because she had only the vaguest notions of golf or of the interrelations between caddie and player.

Compelled by a rigid etiquette to silent, unemotional formality, they boil interiorly with contempt for people of the better sort, not only because their golf is usually atrocioussuch as every caddie brilliantly surpasses in his leisure momentsbut because the speech provoked by their inveterate failures is commonly all too human.

No one regarding him would have dreamed that he was at heart but a golf caddie or a driver of trucks for hire.

In addition to caddying he taught the secrets of the game when pupils came too plenteously for John.


When the boy was convalescent he took him on the surrounding Duri golf-links as his caddie in his endless games with his poor friend Sergeant-Major Lawrence-Smith, ex-gentleman.

"Opportunity Club" by Caddie Root 2.00 Metz.

George does some caddying.

Caddie Woodlawn.

BRINK, CAROL RYRIE. Magical melons, more stories about Caddie Woodlawn.

Magical melons, more stories about Caddie Woodlawn.

George does some caddying.

Caddie Woodlawn.

BRINK, CAROL RYRIE. Magical melons, more stories about Caddie Woodlawn.

Magical melons, more stories about Caddie Woodlawn.

You've a-got everything in a reg'lar caddie!" cried her son, as she paused to clack her tongue remorsefully over her mistakes.

The rumour that Mr. BALFOUR, on his retirement from the post of Foreign Secretary, will take up the arduous duties of caddie-master at St. Andrew's is not yet fully confirmed.

" John D. Rockefeller tells this story on himself: "Golfing one bright winter day I had for caddie a boy who didn't know me.

"The caddie stared at me with envious eyes.

Ex-President Taft on one of his trips was playing golf on a western links when he noticed that he had a particularly good caddie, an old man of some sixty years, as they have on the Scottish links.

"Not much chance for caddying then, I suppose?" asked the President.

51 examples of  caddying  in sentences