54 examples of cayuse in sentences

The slim, muscular body still writhed in vain contortions till he clamped it fast between knees from which not even an untamed cayuse could free itself.

If the rest of his gang have the same kind of hoss flesh, you c'n never catch him with that cayuse of yours.

"He is shore a fine cayuse," he asserted with extreme impressiveness.

You must have that cayuse an' go scoutin' in th' hills, yo' shore must!

'Taint healthy not t' git exercise on a cayuse.

I has my ideas these yar claims is no good, I has fer a fact, and they won't need no one here long, and then we'll lose ye, sonny, so you mus' shore hev that cayuse.

He was gathered like a partly released spring in his saddle, an attitude born of years in the mountains, and because of a certain difficulty he had in distributing gracefully his six-foot-two-inch length of flesh and bone astride a mountain cayuse.

The high collar, galling to him as a bridle to an unbroken cayuse, had made a red circle about his throat; yet of it and of them he was oblivious.

Played it from the moment he entered his house until the moment he daily disappeared, astride the vixenish undersized cayuse.

No longer, as the mouse-coloured cayuse bore him over the range, was there the mellow crunch of snow underfoot.

Within the space of minutes, before the east had fairly begun to grow red, silently as he did everything, he rode away astride the mouse-coloured cayuse into the darkness to the west.

An evil-looking mouse-coloured cayuse grazed likewise, hard by; but for them a broncho had no terror.

Long ere the fire had burned itself out, the wicked-looking cayuse following a bridle's length at his heels, he was back; waiting impatiently for the flame to die.

One morning a week later, after Mead and O'Reilly had gone, when the new master of the ranch arose it was to find a wicked-looking mouse-coloured cayuse standing motionless by the stable door.

When you can ride, take your cayuse and fan

gets up and saddles his cayuse and fans it for town.

"I aim to keep that cayuse," said Pete, swallowing hard.

That broken shoe your cayuse cast says so, for I trailed him from my ranch to the line fence.

Now you will take that lame cayuse and ride north just as quick as you can throw a saddle on him.

Yes, the storekeeper had seen such a man pass on a big buckskin cayuse several days ago.

Now you straddle that cayuse of yours and come along with me and I'll show you some rattling colts.

"'To hell with 'em!' says he, as savage as a wildcat, and he jabbed the irons in and whirled his cayuse about on one toe, heading for the ranch.

I ain't the kind to feel faint when a cayuse gets what's coming to him for raising the devil, but to see that lad whale his team because there wasn't nothing else he dared hit, got me on my hind legs.

In the middle of the fuss a stray shot hit the cayuse in the head and he croaked without a remark, so there we were, a pair of fools miles from home with nothing left to quarrel about!

"I can see him now putting his hands down so careful, and turning back every once in awhile to cuss me. Turned out that it was his cayuse, too.

54 examples of  cayuse  in sentences