389 examples of churn in sentences

It's Murdo Ban, the luckless man, Against her would prevail; And first her eye was on his churn, Then on the milking pail; When she would praise the brindled cow, The cow began to ail.

The cream might not rise and the churn yield no butter if this service were neglected.

Thus "butter and eggs" and "eggs and bacon" are applied to several plants, from the two shades of yellow in the flower, and butter-churn to the Nuphar luteum, from the shape of the fruit.

The churn used for families is a square box, 18 inches by 12 or 13, and 17 deep, bevelled below to the plane of the dashers, with a loose lid or cover.

In some dairies it is usual to churn twice, and in others three times a week: the former produces the best butter, the other the greatest quantity.

The dairy-maid should churn every day when very hot, if they are in full milk, and every second day in more temperate weather; besides supplying the milk and cream required for a large establishment.

This is communicated by mixing a little finely-powdered arnotto with the cream before putting it into the churn; a still more, natural and delicate colour is communicated by scraping a red carrot into a clean piece of linen cloth, dipping it into water, and squeezing it into the cream. 2367.

She must then scald with boiling water and scrub out every utensil she has used; brush out the churn, clean out the cream-jars, which will probably require the use of a little common soda to purify; wipe all dry, and place them in a position where the sun can reach them for a short time, to sweeten them. 2369.

It is now placed in the churn, and churned until the butter comes, which it generally does in a much shorter time than by the other process.

" As she flung the cream from end to end of the barrel-churn, while her mother sat beside her mending the boys' shirts for the Sabbath, Mary said to herself: "A sister is born for adversity, tooyou bet."

He quickly saw that the rear propeller was half buried in the water; and if it turned at all would have to churn things just as though they were in truth a queerly fashioned boat, instead of an airship, intended to mount to lofty heights, and vie with the eagle in his circling above the clouds.

V. inspissate^, incrassate^; thicken, mash, squash, churn, beat up. sinter.

He has doffed off the name of a [country fellow,] but the look not so easy, and his face still bears a relish of churn-milk.

The Devil's Churn wasn't that far from Portland.

When he reached the parking area at The Devil's Churn, he opened the Laphroiag and took two long swallows.

Joe did not know what to say, and an oppressive silence, broken only by the churn of the Dazzler's forefoot, fell upon them.

As good luck would have it, our butter came down wrapped in a half-sheet of your last volume of poems, containing my old favorites, 'Modern Greece,' and the 'Ode to a Deserted Churn.'

" She showed us a white cedar three-gallon churn, brass hoops hold the staves in place, fifty-seven years old and a castor with seven cruits patented December 27, 1859.

When the cream rose it was skimmed off to churn for butter.

Flour, Indian meal, molasses, pickled pork, sugar and tea, a couple of rifles, powder and shot, axes saws, etc., a plough, spades and hoes, a churn, etc., were the principal items of their purchases; and to convey these, and the boxes they had brought from England, it was necessary to hire one of the long, covered wagons of the country.

As we resumed our own head-wear, Good churn whispered, "A bulldog ant must have stung the boss.

We utilized a cradle and antique churn as a composite flower stand; an immense spinning-wheel looks pretty covered with running vines, an old carriage lantern gleams brightly on my piazza every evening.

If the Dairy Maid does not make her Butter come so soon as she should have it, Moll White is at the Bottom of the Churn.

THAMES, the most important river of Great Britain, formed by the junction at Lechdale of four head-streamsthe Isis, Churn, Coln, and Leachwhich spring from the SE.

Then, as he looked further, he did honor to his principles of economy by denying himself, with an effort and after some deliberation, a most tempting churn.

389 examples of  churn  in sentences