18 examples of flu in sentences

Are you going to have the flu, or a party, or what?' 'No,' said Edith, who was always frank when it was possible.

The cases of flu that went off in twenty-four hours belonged to the type.

[Fr.]; enanthem^, enanthema^; erysipelas; exanthem^, exanthema; gallstone, goiter, gonorrhea, green sickness; grip, grippe, influenza, flu; hay fever, heartburn, heaves, rupture, hernia, hemorrhoids, piles, herpes, itch, king's evil, lockjaw; measles, mumps^, polio; necrosis, pertussis, phthisis^, pneumonia, psora^, pyaemia^, pyrosis

Yet when the flu epidemic returned upon us, she stood by, efficient, deft, and gallant, though still imperious, until the day when she clashed her lath-and-tinsel sword of theory against the tempered steel of the Little Red Doctor's experience.

"How did it happen?" "He went over on one of the 'flu ships,' and when the epidemic began to mow 'em down there was a kind of panic.

A short time ago I caught the "flu."

* * "HAMLET" AND THE FLU (an appeal to the Government): "Angels and Ministers of Health defend us!" END.

"In my opinion the Asiatic cholera, 1850-1851, took more lives and caused more anxiety than the flu.

We agree that the 'flu mortality can hardly have been greater than this.

I washed for myself a little and I got the flu and got in bad health.

I reckon it was the flu; I never did have no doctor.

(At this point his wife spoke up and said "Seems like since he had the flu, his mind is kinda frazzled.") "Yes'm, I member the Ku Klux.

I have a cough since I had flu

*** An American scientest claims to have discovered a harmless germ likely to defeat the "flu" microbe.

Talk of sneezing, during the 'flu epidemic Madame Fallalerie has been giving a course of lessons, "How to sneeze prettily" (twenty guineas the course), and her reception-rooms in Bond Street have been simply packed.

I've had the flu only reason I'm sittin' here now.

"I am not going to try flu bribe you with moneymoney does not buy the love and care of good women like youbut I ask you, for the love you bore to your own child, to be kind to mine.

Lee all but died, and Nielsen, afterward, told me he would rather die than have the "flu" again.

18 examples of  flu  in sentences