54 examples of harum in sentences

I always say no mannobody can ever count on a little harum-scarum likelike she is.

I always say nobody can ever count on such a little harum-scarum as" "You mean to tell me, Mrs. Kaufman, that just because a little shyster doctor" Her hand closed over the long envelope again, crunching it.

With a long head, but somewhat a wrong one,harum-scarum.

Prudy'd say 'twas 'harum scarum.'

that harum-scarum venter er mine was the best I ever made.

[90] A paraphrase of Horace's well-known lines: "Linquenda tellus, et domus, et placens Uxor; neque harum, quas colis, arborum, Te, praeter invisas cupressos, Ulla brevem dominum sequeter.

He's rather a wild harum-scarum sort of chapI imagine his own worst enemy, for he drinks heavily when he can get it, and spends much of the time in the guard-house.

Harum prouinciarum maior, et nobilior dícitur Cathay, qui consistit in Asia profunda.

[Fr.]; offhand; dizzy, muzzy^, brainsick^; giddy, giddy as a goose; wild, harum-scarum, rantipole^, highflying; heedless, careless &c (neglectful) 460. inconsiderate, thoughtless.

When Chaerea saw the singing wench's sweet looks, he was so taken, that he cried out, O faciem pulchram, deleo omnes dehinc ex animo mulieres, taedet quotidianarum harum formarum!

Morbo comitiali, dementia, mania, lepra, &c. aut simila labe, quae facile in prolem transmittitur, laborantes inter eos, ingenti facta indagine, inventos, ne gens foeda contagione laederetur, ex iis nata, castraverunt, mulieres hujusmodi procul a virorum consortio abregarunt, quod si harum aliqua concepisse inveniebatur, simul cum foetu nondum edito, defodiebatur viva.

Harum quippe immoderatione, spiritus marcescunt.

Taedet me harum quotidianarum formarum, these pestilential clerk faces always in one's dish.

He came before I knew where I was, with another spark with him, and horses and dogs, and servants, and harum-scarum called for everything, as if he were in a public-house.

'Dum foris sunt, nihil videtur Mundius, Nec magis compositum quidquam, nec magis elegans: Quæ, cum amatore suo cum coenant, Liguriunt, Harum videre ingluviem, sordes, inopiam: Quam inhonestæ solæ sint domi, atque avidæ cibi, Quo pacto ex Jure Hesterno panem atrum varent.

Harum rerum notitiam semper ambivit ingenium humanum, nunquam attigit.

The original French is improper; so I will give you the English version, by the celebrated Robinson, the cleverest adapter of the day: 'Poor odalisques in captive thrall Must never let their charms pall: If they get the sack They ne'er come back; For the Bosphorus is the boss for all In this harem, harem, harem, harem, harum scarum place.

and how came that harum-scarum twig of nobility in possession of so goodly a company, as well as of so brave a ship?" Wilder drew a long and deep breath, like one that awakes from a pleasing dream, reluctantly suffering himself to be forced from a spot where he fondly felt that he could have continued, without weariness, for ever.

That shows what a harum-scarum life I lead.

R73366, 25Jan51, Mrs. R. E. Wendt (W) WESTCOTT, EDWARD NOYES. David Harum.

WESTCOTT, EDWARD N. David Harum, a story of American life.

R73366, 25Jan51, Mrs. R. E. Wendt (W) WESTCOTT, EDWARD NOYES. David Harum.

WESTCOTT, EDWARD N. David Harum, a story of American life.

Every one at the fort had made a pet of Captain Dudley's daughter,the harum-scarum little Ginger,who would rather dash across the prairies on her pony, like a wild Comanche Indian, than play with the finest doll ever imported from Paris.

Sometimes we could see four or five lochs at once, some of them two or three miles long, and down through the middle of the moor came the maddest and most harum-scarum little river that could be imagined.

54 examples of  harum  in sentences