10 examples of iamblichus in sentences

It was after this that he tortured and put to death Iamblichus, king of some of the Arabians, and others, and delivered Quintus Postumius, a senator, to his servants to be placed on the rack.

Philopator son of Tarcondimotus, Lycomedes ruler in a portion of Cappadocian Pontus, and Alexander the brother of Iamblichus he even removed from their principalities.

Therefore he began no war at this time, but gave out certain sovereignties,to Iamblichus son of Iamblichus his ancestral dominion over the Arabians, and to Tarcondimotus son of Tarcondimotus the kingdom of Cilicia which his father held, except a few coast districts.

Therefore he began no war at this time, but gave out certain sovereignties,to Iamblichus son of Iamblichus his ancestral dominion over the Arabians, and to Tarcondimotus son of Tarcondimotus the kingdom of Cilicia which his father held, except a few coast districts.

IAMBLICHUS, a Neo-Platonic philosopher of the 4th century, in the time of Constantine, struggled, as it proved, in vain for the revival of Greek philosophy, in the hope of thereby stemming the advance of Christianity.

His perplexed letter to Anebo, with the reply attributed to Iamblichus, reveal Porphyry wandering puzzled among mediums, floating lights, odd noises, queer dubious 'physical phenomena.'

Mr. Podmore explains that 'perhaps he really stretched himself to his full height'one of the easiest ways conceivable of working a miracle, Iamblichus reports the same phenomenon in his possessed men.

Iamblichus adds that they were sometimes broadened as well as lengthened.

Iamblichus mentions this as among the peculiarities of his 'possessed' men; and in 'Modern Mythology' (1897) I have collected first-hand evidence for the feat in classical times, and in India, Fiji, Bulgaria, Trinidad, the Straits Settlements, and many other places.

The interesting point, historically, is the combination in Home of all the répertoire of the possessed men in Iamblichus.

10 examples of  iamblichus  in sentences