4359 examples of misery in sentences

It is this reality which is at once the charm and the misery here.

The misery of this life is not the evil that we see, but the good and the evil which are so inextricably twisted together.

A misery got me in the chest, right here, and it been with me all through life; it with me now.

At last, in his misery and despair, he thought he would go to his youngest daughter, who had become queen of France, and see if she would take pity on him.

They were so full of their own future and their own happiness, that they had not a thought to spare upon his misery.

A great hand, stretching all the way from Versailles, seemed to hang over them, even here in the heart of the virgin forest, ready to snatch them up and carry them back into degradation and misery.

He was about to make some answer when a dreadful cry broke suddenly out of the woods, a horrible screech, as from some one who was goaded to the very last pitch of human misery.

In fact it has much of the garish misery of the Punchinello story.

Schumann consoled himself later by saying that he did Ernestine no wrong, for it would have been a greater and more terrible misery had they married.

"Earlier or later my old love and attachment for you would have awakened again, and then what misery!...

There have been the unhappily wed, who, through the fault of themselves, or their wives, found and made misery at home, and sought nepenthe elsewhere, such as Haydn, Berlioz, and Tschaikovski.

Thus was the wilfulness of Baldwin the source of infinite misery.

Edward Blushington, a young man just come into a large fortune, is so bashful and shy that life is a misery to him.

We have come thus far, and might have gone ten times as far, I dare say, without seeing the first sign of negro misery or white tyranny.

The fatal notions of Regimental Hospital management caused infinite misery at Scutari.

Oh, the bitterness of the misery of that Thanksgiving-Day to Jacob Newell!

Call me Berthold Misery, or call me Satan!" May, 1817.

"Men's happiness or misery is mostly of their own making.

She retired to Florence, and dwelt there in unending misery.

He was four years totally confined, partly to his bed and all of it to his room; and in the course of his cure, which was all that time in hand, suffered unspeakable misery.

Tom saw enough of abuse and misery in his new life to make him sick and weary; but he toiled on with religious patience, committing himself to Him that judgeth righteously.

Misery, destitution, ignorance of the world, had destroyed this wretched girl, cast alone and unprotected on the immensity of Paris.

But I cannot; it is sheer misery that has brought me to that pass. 23 August.

There had been such an accumulation of misery and tears in my heart during that evening that I felt half choked.

But one must know that soul full of scruples as I know it, to gauge the depth of misery into which the news would plunge her, and how she would suspect herself,asking whether his death did not correspond to some deeply hidden desire on her part for freedom and happiness; whether it did not gratify those wishes she had scarcely dared to form.

4359 examples of  misery  in sentences