240 examples of onely in sentences

Take your Buds before they be yellow on the top, make a brine of Vinegar and Salt, which you must do onely by shaking it together till the Salt be melted, then put in your Buds, and keepe stirred once in a day till they be sunk within the Vinegar, be sure to keep close covered.

Take six Chickens, quarter them, cover them almost with water, and season them with Pepper and Salt, and a good handfull of minced Parsly, and a little white-wine, when they are boyled enough, put six Eggs onely the yolks, put to them a little Nutmeg and Vinegar, give them a little wame or two with the Chickens, pour them altogether into the Dish and serve them in, when you put on the Eggs, and a good piece of Butter.

When I behold that beauties wonderment, And rare perfection of each goodly part, Of Natures skill the onely complement, I honor and admire the Makers art.

Onely let her abstaine from cruelty, And doe me not before my time to dy.

For all the rest, how ever fayre it be, Shall turne to nought and lose that glorious hew; But onely that is permanent, and free From frayle corruption that doth flesh ensew.

Onely behold her rare perfection, And blesse your fortunes fayre election.

Onely I fear my wits, enfeebled late 15 Through the sharp sorrowes which thou hast me bred, Should faint, and words should faile me to relate The wondrous triumphs of thy great god-hed:

Thereby they all do live, and moved are To multiply the likenesse of their kynd, 100 Whilest they seeke onely, without further care, To quench the flame which they in burning fynd; But man, that breathes a more immortall mynd, Not for lusts sake, but for eternitie, Seekes to enlarge his lasting progenie.

Oh God, your onely Iigge-maker: what should a man do, but be merrie.

The Holde or Fort that you shall haue from Goa to Cochin that belongeth to the Portugals is called Onor, which is in the kingdome of the queene of Battacella, which is tributary to the king of Bezeneger: there is no trade there, but onely a charge with the Captaine and company he keepeth there.

and when the bole thereof is growen round as bigge as an Orenge, then they take care onely to gather them.

dayes they neither see house, trees nor people that inhabite it, but onely a plaine, and no signe of any way in the world.

And with this onely stocke I aduentured to goe into the Indies: And thus with change and rechange, and by diligence in my voyage, God did blesse and helpe mee, so that I got a good stocke.

There is also the vare in Goa, which is iust as the vare of Ormuz, and therewith they measure onely things that are of small value.

Note that if a man bargaine in marchandize, it behooueth to demaund tangas of good money: for by nominating tangas onely, is vnderstood to be base money of 60 basaruches, which wanteth of the good money vt supra.

If you aske me what in my trauels I haue learned, I answere as a noble man of France did to the like demaund, Hoc vnum didici, mundi contemptum: and so concluding with the wise man in the booke of the Preacher, that all is vanitie, and one thing onely is necessarie, I take my leaue and commit you to the Almightie.

he that breaketh one is punished with twenty stripes; but for the greatest fault they will kill none, neither by a short death nor a long, onely he is kept some time in prison with very little meat, and hath at the most not aboue twenty or fiue and twenty stripes.

they haue after this life, but onely that they may be blessed in this world, for they thinke that he which breaketh them shall haue ill successe in all his businesse.

But in affection I survive to none But onely Pembrooke.

My Parke I liken to a Common wealth In which my Bucks and Does are Citizens; The Hunters Lodge the Court from whence is sent Sentence of life or death as please the King; Onely our government's a tyranny In that wee kill our subjects upon sport.

Ile do't my selfe; onely drie up the blood, And burne the clothes as you have done before.

Onely forbeare to lay thy ruder handes Upon the poore mistrustlesse tender child.

By heaven ile kill him onely for this cause, For that he came of vertuous Auncestors.

I never hated Beech in all my life, Onely desire of money which he had, And the inciting of that foe of man, That greedie gulfe, that great Leviathan, Did halle

And whereas we can and doe put in practise sundrie actions of life, sense, motion, vnderstanding, we doe it onely by the power and vertue of the soule.

240 examples of  onely  in sentences