72 examples of sea-going in sentences

Finally, the recent application of steam to sea-going ships had rendered a rapid decrease in the length of the voyage from Europe a practical certainty.

" A careful fellow was Mr. Hamilton Morris, and he well knew the value of a rowboat to a sea-going picnic-party.

Before I relinquished the command of the Grand Fleet, large sea-going submarines of high speed, vessels of the "K" class, had been built to accompany the surface vessels to sea.

Standing there with his hands upon the red seams of his trousers, his chest well filled out, and his face weather tanned, he looked a proper figure of a sea-going soldier.

She remembered that she used to be proud of her independence when she first went into Paris from Versailles alone for her singing lessons; but that trip, contrasted with the one from her own house to Lord Creedmore's on the Surrey side, was like going out for an hour's sail in a pleasure-boat on a summer's afternoon compared with working a sea-going vessel safely through an intricate and crowded channel at night.

To effect this a sea-going marine of both war and commerce and, for further expansion, stations on the way were essential.

The explanation of our nearly unbroken success is, that the British was a thoroughly sea-going navy, and became more and more so every month; whilst the French, since the close of the American war, had lost to a great extent its sea-going character and, because we shut it up in its ports, became less and less sea-going as hostilities continued.

The explanation of our nearly unbroken success is, that the British was a thoroughly sea-going navy, and became more and more so every month; whilst the French, since the close of the American war, had lost to a great extent its sea-going character and, because we shut it up in its ports, became less and less sea-going as hostilities continued.

No member of the ship's companyexcept a domesticis now allowed to set foot on board a sea-going ship till he has been put through a training course which is exactly like that through which every other member of his class passes.

Not one of these can be effected without a mobile, that is a sea-going, fleet.

Concerning it his biographer makes the following remark: 'It is to be noted that Lord St. Vincent did not contemplate repelling an invasion of gunboats by gunboats,' &c. He objected to the force of sea-fencibles, or long-shore organisation, because he considered it more useful to have the sea-going ships manned.

In an upward direction a similar barrier was raised by the Claudian law suggested by Gaius Flaminius (shortly before 536), which prohibited senators and senators' sons from possessing sea-going vessels except for the transport of the produce of their estates, and probably also from participating in public contractsforbidding them generally from carrying on whatever the Romans included under the head of "speculation" (-quaestus-).(28)

All were eager for supplies from the first steamship that had entered the Golden Gatethe first, it may be added, that most of them, even those of a sea-going past, had ever seen.

The cruise of the Fulton was like a march of triumph, and proved beyond a doubt that the Holland submarines were practical, sea-going craft.

Vote only for such city candidates as will most speedily secure for the more needy classes pure water, clean streets, cheaper homes, cheaper and more useful education, healthier environment, cheap and quick transportation, the development of the labor-giving improvements, and the increase of sea-going and inland commerce.

For Waally himself no great distrust was felt, since he had never been allowed to see much of the channels of the group; but it was very different with the sea-going Kannakas, who had been employed by the colonists.

The new sea-going vessel built by Yarrow & Co. for the Italian government.

Sea-going Torpedo Boats.

Bowleg Bill, the sea-going cowboy; or, Ship ahoy and let 'er buck!

Bowleg Bill, the sea-going cowboy; or, Ship ahoy and let 'er buck!

The only sea-going vessels in the harbour were two large Macassar proas and a Ceramese junk; which were to sail in a few days.

Many sea-going steamship companies make it a place of call.

At that city they were placed on sea-going vessels and carried to the markets of the world.

Another fleet of sea-going monitors and unarmored cruisers maintained the Cuban blockade.

For many years past scarce any sea-going vessel leaves port that is not fitted with a properly constructed distiller; and one conspicuous advantage attending this practice is that each ship thus fitted to the satisfaction of the Board of Trade inspector is allowed to sail with only half the quantity of fresh water on board which she should have if not provided with a distiller.

72 examples of  sea-going  in sentences