13692 examples of settled in sentences

" Bambi was promptly enveloped in a huge apron and settled on the back piazza, surrounded with pans and baskets.

" "If it isn't settled to-day, I will tell you.

As I am sure of a favourable one, I think we may consider the matter settled.

" They settled down to discussing advertising plans, which kept them busy until late afternoon.

When the last detail was settled, Bambi rose with a sigh.

So it's all settled?" "Yes, if the author consents.

By these it was settled, that he should, on the former's making his escape, peaceably yield himself up to "underlie the law," in a reliance on the friendly disposition of Cromwell towards the fugitive, which, it was not doubted, would be exerted in behalf of his servant.

This point settled, we proceeded to the Saltmarket; when my friend, who, by the way, had now told me that his name was Lancaster, conducted me up a dark, dirty-looking close, and finally into a house of anything but respectable appearance.

The matter of listing settled, the sergeant bespoke me a bed for the night in the tavern in which we were, that being his own quarters.

Guess I tole you 'bout a book, ain't I?" Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Tom Windham, 723 Missouri, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 98 "I was twenty-one years old when the war was settled.

In the latter part of his reign the Fir-bolg (or Belgae settled in the south of Ireland), who had been subjugated by Conar, rebelled, and Cormac was reduced to such extremities that he sent to Fingal for aid.

DRADU-LE'NA, the daughter of Foldath, general of the Fir-bolg or Belgæ settled in the south of Ireland.

DENDIN (Peter), an old man, who had settled more disputes than all the magistrates of Poitiers, though he was no judge.

As he walked, the whole stupendous load of sorrow settled upon him.

Across the river on the land of the Omahas the greater part of the force had settled at what was known as Winter Quarters.

But first you go get your stuff unloaded and get kind of settled.

Quickly they settled upon the fields in swirling drifts, so that the land all about lay white as with snow.

We are getting nicely settled for the winter; the children are all behaving beautifully.

I'd be obliged to do that in order to give Bobby grounds for a divorce as soon as the estate is settled.

It vill be years before der business is settled.

And as Manuel was winding up the lines, Queen Freydis came to him, for she too had seen the stork's approach; and was, she said, with a grave smile, well pleased that the affair was settled.

There he "administered justice," decided the fate of families, settled the affairs of townsall in a few off-hand but short and decisive words, like one of those ancient Moorish kings who, in that selfsame territory, centuries before, legislated for their subjects under the open sky.

I saw that Pani Celina, who believes less and less in Kromitzki's millions, was afraid I might arrange things on too expensive a scale; but I have already settled it in my mind to show her a fictitious agreement, and take the greater part of the expenses upon myself.

From hence they stood for St. Mary's, where they shared their booty, broke up their company, and settled among the natives.

The governor returned answer he would take them into protection if they would destroy their ships, which they agreed to, and accordingly sunk the Flying Dragon, &c. Condent and some others went to Mascarenhas, where Condent married the governor's sister-in-law, and remained some time; but, as I have been credibly informed, he is since come to France, settled at St. Maloes, and drives a considerable trade as a merchant.

13692 examples of  settled  in sentences