12 examples of songless in sentences

Of co'se, I don't say it's so, but the ol' nigger swears to it, an' ef you dispute it with him an' ask him how it come thet nobody else didn't hear it, why he says that's because them thet live in houses an' eat flesh ain't got the love o' Grod in their hearts, an' can't expect to hear the songs of the songless an' speech of the speechless.

We are really living here absolutely songless and soundless.

For a little while we had escaped from the drab and songless world, and, cost what it might, we were determined to take possession, for a while at least, of that paradise which sprang into existence at the moment when "male and female created He them."

It almost seems, boys, as if birds made the seasonsas if winter in the Middle and Northern States might be called the 'songless season.'

The males, who sing, have more white on the wings and tail than the females, who are songless.

We have finished with the true song birds now, and the next order is that of the Songless Perching Birdsbirds that have call-notes, some of them quite musical, but no true song.

"The first family of Songless Perching Birds is that of the Tyrant Flycatchers, and the first of these birds with which we have to do is the one you have just seen.

Though songless, a jewel of a bird, belonging to the guild of Tree Trappers.

"They belong to an entirely songless group, but have several ways of calling and signalling to each other.


The sunny moments slipped away as the sunlit waters slipped under the bridge; a bird or two, shy and songless in their moulting fever, came to the stream to drink, looking up, bright eyed, at the two who sat there in the mid-day silence.

No more with wordless grief a loved one grieve, But to Heaven's nothingness re-welcome Eve? THE UNCHANGING After the songless rose of evening, Night quiet, dark, still, In nodding cavalcade advancing Starred the deep hill: You, in the valley standing, In your quiet wonder took All that glamour, peace, and mystery In one grave look.

12 examples of  songless  in sentences