37 examples of thimblefuls in sentences

He drank an extra thimbleful of whisky to try to hearten himself.

nutshell; thimbleful, spoonful, handful, capful, mouthful; fragment; fraction &c (part) 51; drop in the ocean.

I'll just take a thimbleful, Agraféna Kondrátyevna.

I'll just take a thimbleful, Agraféna Kondrátyevna.

I'll just take a thimbleful, Agraféna Kondrátyevna.

I'll just take a thimbleful, Samsón Sílych.

Samsón Sílych, I'll just take a thimbleful.

Samsón Sílych, I'll just take a thimbleful.

I'll just take a thimbleful, Lázar Elizárych.

Lázar Elizárych, I'll just take a thimbleful.

Lázar Elizárych, I'll just take a thimbleful. PODKHALYÚZIN.

I'd just like a thimbleful of something now.

Let's go, Samsón Sílych, and you and I, for company, will just take a thimbleful.

I'll just take a thimbleful of vodka.

Now, I never refuse vodka; if you don't mind, I'll just take a thimbleful!

I wish I had a thimbleful of powder to make this whistle

The suppression of gratuities enabled the monarch of this bevelled palace to offer a complete dinner for about the same price as a thimbleful of tea and ten drachms of cake a few yards away.

"In each barrel are two thimblefuls of powder, and half-a-box of Windfall's Teaberry Tonic Pills, each one of them as big and as hard as a buckshot.

He was in need of stimulants, and he held up a pitiful two-ounce phial containing three thimblefuls of brandy,his whole stock of that encouraging article.

I felt a kind of qualm of faintness and downsinking about my heart and stomach, to the dispelling of which I took a thimbleful of spirits, and, tying my red comforter about my neck, I marched briskly to the session-house.

Having a desperate sore head, our wife, poor body, put a thimbleful of brandy into my first cup of tea which had a wonderful virtue in putting all things to rights.

But by the time we reached the cheese, a fine, ripe Camembert, had our coffee, and one thimbleful of green Chartreuse, I was plein jusqu'au bec, gorged up to the beak.

Aaron is firmly convinced that I am too jealous of Elspeth's affection to give away a thimbleful of it.

For example, the housewife fills a thimble full of salt for each member of the family and each guest; the contents of the thimblefuls are emptied out in as many neat little piles on a plate, and left there over night.

A good bottle of the ordinary generous, fruit, and then a cup of recently roasted and freshly ground coffee with a thimbleful of some special Normandy cognac,in which our cheery host joined us, and we all drank one another's healths,completed as good a déjeuner as any man or woman of simple tastes could possibly desire.

37 examples of  thimblefuls  in sentences