29 examples of vork in sentences

I vill not keep dis man on so big wages to do vat you call odd-and-end vork.

We do odd-and-end vork ourself.

You tink we are fine gentlemen and ladies, like dese Americans dat is too proud to vork vid hands.

I say tam dis country, vere day say all is alike, an' vork all; and ven you come here, it is dat nobody vill vork, if he can help, and vimmins ish shame to be seen vork.

I say tam dis country, vere day say all is alike, an' vork all; and ven you come here, it is dat nobody vill vork, if he can help, and vimmins ish shame to be seen vork.

I say tam dis country, vere day say all is alike, an' vork all; and ven you come here, it is dat nobody vill vork, if he can help, and vimmins ish shame to be seen vork.

It is not shame to be seen vork; I vork, mein vife vork too, an' my childrens vork too, py tam!" John walked away,his only resource when his father was in a passion.

It is not shame to be seen vork; I vork, mein vife vork too, an' my childrens vork too, py tam!" John walked away,his only resource when his father was in a passion.

It is not shame to be seen vork; I vork, mein vife vork too, an' my childrens vork too, py tam!" John walked away,his only resource when his father was in a passion.

It is to be easy see he can vork.

so she; all de time talk and no vork.

It is to vork I haf him brought.

"Vat now you say of dat Alf?" he said triumphantly to John; "vork he as dis man?

It is home he vants, no oder ting; he vork not for money.

John groaned as he thought to himself how little anythingany doubt, any misgiving, perhaps even an actual dangerwould in his father's mind outweigh the one fact that the man did not "vork for money.

He vas great for vork.

"Shall ve go to vork an' slay dem all at vonce, or von at a time?

I didn't seem to want a knife or vork, but the young 'ooman put a white-handled knife an' silver vork avoor me.

I didn't seem to want a knife or vork, but the young 'ooman put a white-handled knife an' silver vork avoor me.

I beckuned to the chap to stop the train, wi' me vork as I hed jest stuck into the last sausinger.

"Good vork, good vork," said Dr. Hoffman approvingly, "if it had not ben for dat it vould haf been too late ven I came.

"Good vork, good vork," said Dr. Hoffman approvingly, "if it had not ben for dat it vould haf been too late ven I came.

(In New Vork post, Feb. 26, 1948)

(In New Vork post, Feb. 26, 1948)

"Der vitches haf been at vork!

29 examples of  vork  in sentences