302 examples of watchers in sentences

From this point onwards I had the feeling that the long grass and the clumps of bushes held watchers.

Then, running back to the table, she seized a bunch and began distributing them to the watchers outside the window.

The foreman darted among the groups of watchers and his distress was very plain.

The half-naked watchers played on, in ferocious silence.

The watchers shouted.

Before our very eyes the boat was swallowed by the waves, and with aching hearts we witnessed the prayers, shrieks, and despair of the anxious watchers whose husbands and fathers perished thus within their sight.

And moreover, there went upward into the everlasting night one of those Towers of Silence, which did be in this part and that part of the land, and were thought to hold Strange Watchers.

When Beatrice returned to the room Wonder was sleeping peacefully again, but at the chill hour when watchers blow out the night-lights, and a dreary greyness comes like a fog through the curtains, Antony and Beatrice fell into each other's arms in anguish, for Wonder was dead.

Our Engineer to my right was about one hundred yards off, and Pat himself on the extreme right, at about the same distance from H. Behind us was the road, and in the rear the long line of nets, with their concealed watchers.

Some of the old shekarries and field-watchers frequently dig shallow pits, in which they take their stand.

Cautiously he clawed his way through the undergrowth, and when he was certain that the creepers had completely veiled him from the eyes of watchers on the yacht he picked up a small flat stone from the ground, drew a yachting knife from his belt and crouching on his heels started to sharpen the blade.

They seemed to have no suspicion as yet that they were under observation, for as they walked they chatted among themselves, the sound of their German gutturals reaching the watchers, but unfortunately not distinctly enough to be audible.

The watchers saw the dark blot of men and stretcher slip under the wires, and slowly, very slowly, creep on through the long grass.

Half-way across, the watchers lost them amidst the other black blots and shadows, and it was a full half-hour after when a private exclaimed suddenly: "I see them," he said.

Now at every bluff and hill near the villages might be seen the gleam of the muskets of the watchers, for it was known that the scalping parties of the Five Nations were out, and none could tell where the blow would fall, save that it must come where they were least prepared to meet it.

A cheer and then a groan went up from the eager watchers.

The watchers in the windows at the front found that it was more than flesh and blood could endure to remain waiting at their posts while the fates of their wives and children were being decided at the back.

And so the watchers at the window saw the strangest of sights.

A minute later the watchers, hoarse with screaming to him to return, saw De Catinat pulled aboard the Iroquois canoe, which was instantly turned and continued its course up the river.

Then they were descried on the horizon by the watchers at Sandy Hook.

On the evening of April 18th the watchers on Sandy Hook saw a fifth vessel join the Spanish fleet; a long, low craft, having, apparently, two turrets and very light spars.

The watchers at the signal station looked at each other in astonishment, and eagerly waited for the fog to lift.

The watchers on the signal station now waited in breathless suspense.

Some watchers on the hill Wide-eyed await the dawn; Some workers in the mill Wearying are toiling on; Clocks chime, and the night goes Slowly it lighter grows.

False friends guard its gates without, and within its watchers are Folly and Fear.

302 examples of  watchers  in sentences