4 examples of yax in sentences

Second, Yaxci (pronounced Yachki; from yax, green, and tri, agave), the second in order; this is used only for fine weaving.

Cogolludo mentions a goddess Ix chebel yax, one of whose functions was to preside over drawing and painting.

Thus at the termination of the year, along with the sacrifices to the Bacab of the year were others to Itzamná, either under his surname Canil, which has various meanings, or as Kinich-ahau, Lord of the Eye of the Day, or Yax-coc-ahmut, the first to know and hear of events, or finally as Uac-mètun-ahau, Lord of the Wheel of the Months.

[Footnote 3: Yax, first; coc, which means literally deaf, and hence to listen attentively (whence the name Cocomes, for the ancient royal family of Chichen Itza, an appellation correctly translated "escuchadores") and ah-mut, master of the news, mut meaning news, good or bad.]

4 examples of  yax  in sentences