Which preposition to use with freycinet

in Occurrences 3%

This range was seen by Captain Hamelin of the Naturaliste, and is thus noticed by M. De Freycinet in his account of the voyage.

at Occurrences 2%

The new ministry, with Dufaure as President of the Council, Leon Say at the Finances, M. de Freycinet at Public Works, and W. at the Foreign Office was announced the 14th of December, 1877.

of Occurrences 2%

The plan given by M. de Freycinet of this archipelago is so defective that many of his islands could not be recognised; but those which were made out preserve his names.

on Occurrences 2%

W. made over the ministry to Freycinet on Monday, the 28th, the transmission des pouvoirs.

to Occurrences 1%

The following are the proportions assigned by Captain de Freycinet to the principal divisions of the globe.

Which preposition to use with  freycinet