6 examples of brownstown in sentences

FIRST BATTLE of Brownstown, Mich.; British defeated Van Horn,Aug. 5.

SECOND BATTLE of Brownstown, or Manaugua; American victory,Aug. 9.

To the Senate of the United States: I submit a treaty, concluded at Brownstown, in the Territory of Michigan, between the United States and the Chippewas, Ottawas, Potawattamies, Wyandots, and Shawnees, on the 25th day of November last, whereby those tribes grant to the United States two roads, therein described, for the decision of the Senate whether they will advise and consent to the ratification of it.

Many of them had been embodied to fight against the Americans, who were successively met by ambuscade, surprise, or otherwise, as at Chicago, at Michilimackinack, Brownstown, River Raisin, Maumee, Fort Harrison, and other places.

We then directed our course to Brownstown, on the east branch of White river.

In the neighbourhood of Brownstown there are some rich lands, and from that to Salem, a distance of twenty-two miles, we were much pleased with the country.

6 examples of  brownstown  in sentences