46569 examples of interested in sentences

Women, for whom his indifference had a perverse fascination, said of him: "Dr. Fielding isn't interested in people, only in their diseases.

I suppose they were far from being the only young people interested in their particular form of church-work.

Narcissus began to loose his regal robes, and from being merely courteously to be genuinely interested.

The father repeated that phrase which he had used in benignant satisfaction to many a guest, but now seeing with greedy eyes a likeness between his son and the ancestor deeper than mere resemblance of feature, he added: "But youyou, Jack, you're the dead spit of him!" "Yes," said Jack, as if he either were not surprised or were too engrossed to be interested.

After a consultation with a friend, who was a physician greatly interested in the study of narcotic drugs, I procured a mixture which was almost tasteless and without peculiar odour, and of which a small quantity would in less than a minute throw an ordinary man into a state of unconsciousness.

However, almost in spite of myself, I was interested in this young priest, and although disposed to believe that he was a knave like the rest, I was sensible of something in him so upright and so loyal that I was, from the very first, prejudiced in his favour.

"Your little cousin," said he, "is a most charming young creature, and on interested motives I should oppose your going to your aunt's house, were it not for the fact that she is married, and, therefore, of no danger to you.

That morning, while waiting for the time to approach when it would be proper for him to go to Midbranch, he had been reading in a bound volume of an old English magazine, which was one of the five books the cottage possessed, an account of a battle which had interested him very much.

There was something about her bearing and general appearance which greatly interested me.

About that year, however, several gentlemen interested in the variety met together to see what could be done in connection with the matter, the outcome being that the Welsh Terrier Club was shortly afterwards founded, the Kennel Club recognised the breed, and the terrier himself began his career as a show dog.

As a result of the controversies that were continually recurring with regard to the points of a typical Dandie Dinmont there was formed in the year 1876 the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club, with the object of settling the question for ever, and for this purpose all the most noted breeders and others interested were invited to give their views upon it.

She had never paused to consider what her father and mother were "interested" in, and, challenged to specify, could have namedwith sincerityonly herself.

Here at last was a topic that really interested her, and one that gave another amazing glimpse into the camera obscura of New York society.

He was interested in a big "deal" which involved the purchase of a piece of real estate held by a number of wrangling heirs.

But am I not interested, as an American citizen, to have every part of my country cleared of vice, and of whatever perils its free institutions?

Am I not interested, as such, to promote the overthrow of gambling and rum drinking establishments in South Carolina?but why any more than to promote the overthrow of slavery?

In fine, am I not interested, as an American citizen, to have my country, and my whole country, "right in the sight of God?"

"Remember, Sir," was the rejoinder of the Marquis, "that you are now embroiled with both the Regent and her ministers; that the momentary truce between yourself and Concini is merely lip-deep, and may be broken by a breath; that you are the open and declared enemy of the Guises and the Duc d'Epernon; and that each and all of these are interested in your ruin.

Peter allowed that it wasn't, but that as he had so much on his own mind he couldn't help being interested when he found that Sticky-toes had troubles too.

As soon as Johnny saw him, he turned his back squarely towards Unc' Billy and pretended to be very much interested in something way off in the other direction.

The tutelage of Spain has escaped from the Bourbons of Paris, and the ward of full majority will not be allowed, cannot be, if willing, to return or remain under the trammels of an interested guardian, with family pretensions to the property in default of heirs direct.

He had gradually gathered about him a small knot of men, mainly interested in literature, who were lodged and boarded free, and were a sort of informal community, bound by no very strict regulations, except that they were pledged to produce a certain amount of work at stated intervals for Father Payne's inspection.

I don't want people to learn how to write interestingly about things in which they are not interestedbut to be interested first, and then to write if they can.

I am interested in God, more than I am interested in anything else.

I am interested in God, more than I am interested in anything else.

46569 examples of  interested  in sentences