10 adjectives to describe thinkin

"What are ye thinkin' of, Fernando?" asked Terrence, when the boat with the three young men was under way.

Whin y're not kept busy thinkin' o' one thing, y're kept busy thinkin' o' somethin' else.

Why, Arizona, you're one of the fastest-thinkin', quickest-handed gents that ever buckled on a gun, and here you are lying down like a kid that ain't never faced trouble before.

"Weel," replied Sandy slowly, with surprising boldness, "tae tell ye the truth, I was jist thinkin' how fine it wad be if ye were tae gie me a wee bit kissie.

Aye, I get mad wi' nobbut thinkin' on't.

" "Eh, I canna eat nought fur thinkin' o' yon lad o' mine.

What a sagacious eye has PETER gotHow doubtful THOMAS looksMATTHEW is in deep thought, probly thinkin' of the times he was a fisherman.

" "You seem to have been doin' some tall thinkin' yourself," said Silent drily; "you guess the cowpunchers are goin' on our trail on their own hook?

"I got worried thinkin' it over, for it was me told that pardner o' yours" She smiled wickedly.

When you are wishful to be withering 'Tis hard to be confined to "blithering," And to express explosive thinkin' One longs for some relief from "blinkin'.

10 adjectives to describe  thinkin