73 examples of chaines in sentences

O willingly I give my freedome up And put on my owne chaines, And am in love with my captivitie.

O why there di'd we not on Syrian swords? Were we reserv'd to prisons and to chaines?

A Flourish; Enter Henricke the Prince, Bellizarius, Hubert, leading Eugenius in Chaines with other Prisoners and Souldiers.

I thank you; but were not you better be no good Christian, as I am, and so fill your belly as to lie here and starve and be hang'd thus in Chaines? Eugen.

No, 'tis my tryumph; all these Chaines to me Are silken Ribbonds, this course bread a banquet; This gloomy Dungeon is to me more pleasing Than the Kings Palace; and cou'd I winne thy soule To shake off her blacke ignorance, thou, as I doe, Would'st feele thirst, hunger, stripes and Irons nothing, Nay, count death nothing.

I can tell you in some countries they are held no small fooles that goe in Chaines.

The Oracle tells you; Oracle? 'tis a voyce From above tells you; for the peoples tongues, When they pronounce good things, are ty'd to chaines Of twenty thousand linkes, which chaines are held By one supernall hand, and cannot speake

The Oracle tells you; Oracle? 'tis a voyce From above tells you; for the peoples tongues, When they pronounce good things, are ty'd to chaines Of twenty thousand linkes, which chaines are held By one supernall hand, and cannot speake

He then them tooke, and, tempering goodly well 85 Their contrary dislikes with loved meanes, Did place them all in order, and compell To keepe themselves within their sundrie raines*, Together linkt with adamantine chaines;

That she whose conquering beauty doth captíve 275 My trembling hart in her eternall chaine, One drop of grace at length will to me give, That I her bounden thrall by her may live, And this same life, which first fro me she reaved, May owe to her, of whom I it receaved.

Could I shake those Chaines off I would cutt Capers: poore Dick Pike would dance though Death pip'd to him; yes, and spitt in your Hangman's face.

Enter 2 drums, Teniente, divers musketts, Fernando with Pike (without band, an Iron about his necke, 2 Chaines manackling his wrists, a great chaine at his heeles); Jaylour, 3 or 4 halberts.

In your thought wish me prosper, And I am fortifide against the power Of fate to seperate us; and when thou art Within the amorous circle of my armes, We will make lawes to love; teach him new motion Or chaine him with the cordage of his haire, Like a tame thing, to walke, and watch our pillow And be our pleasures Centinell.

This done, within a Cloud formd like a Throne, She to whom love had consecrate this night, My Mistresse, did descend and, comeing toward me, My soule that ever wakes, angrie to see My body made a prisoner and so mock'd, Shook of the chaines of sleepe, least I should loose Essentiall pleasure for a dreame.

Till I have shaken off these chaines from me.

Merry, by lawe convict as principall, Receives his doome, to hang till he be dead, And afterwards for to be hangd in chaines.

Assure your selves, you both shall suffer death: But for Fallerio, he shall hang in chaines After he's dead, for he was principall.

The Lord of heaven have mercy on her soule, And teach all others by this spectacle, To shunne such dangers as she ran into, By her misguided taciturnitie: Cut downe their bodies, give hers funerall, But let his body be conveyed hence, To Mile-end greene, and there be hang'd in chaines.

observe, doe but observe: Heere one walks ore-growne with weeds of pride, The earth wants shape to apply a simile, A body prisoned up with walles of wyer, With bones of whales; somewhat allyed to fish, But from the wast declining, more loose doth hang Then her wanton dangling lascivious locke Thats whirld and blowne with everie lustfull breath; Her necke in chaines, all naked lyes her brest, Her body lighter than the feathered Crest.

I, Hostesses will bee knowne shortelye as their Signes; still in one weather-beaten suite, as though none weare hoodes but Monkes and Ladies, and feathers but fore-horses and Waiting Gentlewomen, or chaines but prisoners and Courtiers; no Perywigges but Players and Pictures: but the weakest must to the wall still.

According to Pinkerton,[30] who took the account from Smith's Virginia, the Werowance of Virginia preserved their dead as follows: In their Temples they have his [their chief God, the Devil's] image euill favouredly carved, and then painted and adorned with chaines of copper, and beads, and covered with a skin, in such manner as the deformitie may well suit with such a God.

Their bodies are first bowelled, then dried upon hurdles till they be very dry, and so about the most of their ioynts and necke they hang bracelets, or chaines of copper, pearle, and such like, as they use to wear.

As we come to the city, we passe ouer the riuer of Tigris on a great bridge made with boats chained together with two mighty chaines of yron.

How will those solemne lookes appeare to me; And that severe face, that speak chaines and shackles?

Here and there, however, we come upon a passage which might make us hope better things of the author.[308] Of Argalus it is said that His gracions merit challenges a wife, Faire as Parthenia, did she staine the East, When the bright morne hangs day upon her cheeks In chaines of liquid pearle.

73 examples of  chaines  in sentences