59 examples of chiefe in sentences

oppos'd against A holy Crosse! roome hung in blacke, and you Drest like chiefe Mourner at a Funerall! Onae.

Chiefe of the Crickets of much fame In fairy a most ancient name.

The Chiefe Actors be these: A poore scholler, a rich Foole, and a Knaue at a shifte.

1040 And where ye claime your selfe for outward shape Most like a man, man is not like an ape In his chiefe parts, that is, in wit and spirite; But I therein most like to him doo merite, For my slie wyles and subtill craftinesse, 1045

The realmes chiefe strength and girlond of the crowne.

But, while herein I tooke my chiefe delight, I saw, alas!

This city is accompted for traffique of marchandize the chiefe city of the world: for there is no kinde of victuals, nor anything else belonging vnto marchandize, which is not to be had there in great abundance.

[Sidenote: Cakam.] and it runneth through the midst of the land of Pygmæi, whose chiefe city is called Cakam, and is one of the goodliest cities in the world.

For which good newes the chiefe of the company bestow their beneuolence vpon them.

And next vnto these commeth the chiefe physicion, who is an olde man of authoritie, hauing with him many medicines, oyntments, salues, and other like refreshings for the sicke, hauing also camels with him for the sicke to ride on, which haue no horse nor beast.

So that when an arbitrary king saw fit to silence competition among the philologists, by becoming himself, as Sir Thomas Elliott says, "the chiefe authour and setter-forth of an introduction into grammar, for the childrene of his lovynge subjects," Lily's Grammar was preferred for the basis of the standard.

After marched the great Basha chiefe conductor of the whole army, clothed with a robe of Dollymant crimson, and vpon the same another short garment very rich, and about him fiftie Ianizaries afoote, of his owne gard, all clothed in crimson veluet, being armed as the Turks owne Ianizaries.

Cambaietta is the chiefe citie of that prouince, which is great and very populous, and fairely builded for a towne of the Gentiles: but if there happen any famine, the people will sell their children for very little.

His chiefe citie is called Bisapor.

The chiefe marchants are Moores and Gentiles.

Their chiefe idoles bee blacke and euill fauoured, their mouthes monstrous, their eares gilded, and full of jewels, their teeth and eyes of gold, siluer, and glasse, some hauing one thing in their handes and some another.

He that is chiefe here vnder the king is called Tipperdas, and is of great account among the people.

The chiefe king of all these countries is called Isacan, and he is chiefe of all the other kings, and is a great friend to all Christians.

The chiefe king of all these countries is called Isacan, and he is chiefe of all the other kings, and is a great friend to all Christians.

The chiefe force of the king is in these elephants.

Here are very many palmer or coco trees, which is their chiefe food: for it is their meat and drinke: and yeeldeth many other necessary things, as I haue declared before.

Their chiefe captaine is called Cogi Alli; he hath three castles vnder him.

The chiefe strength of the place is in a Citadell, which standeth on the South side within the walles, and ouerlooketh the whole towne, and is strongly kept with two hundred Ianisaries and good artillery.

The Turke hath here fiue hundred Ianisaries, besides other souldiers continually in garison and pay, but his chiefe strength is of gallies which are about fiue and twenty or thirty very faire and furnished with goodly ordinance.

"My wealthe is healthe and perfect ease, My conscience cleere my chiefe defence, I neither seek by brybes to please, Nor by deceyte to breede offence; Thus do I lyve, thus will I dye, Would all did so as well as I. "FINIS.

59 examples of  chiefe  in sentences