58 examples of fairview in sentences

He made a run, took a leap and landed on the platform on the horse's back just as he had done a hundred times back at Fairview.

No danger now of not being able to pay back to Graham the borrowed five dollars and his other Fairview debts.


I've got nothing at Fairview excepting a lot of debts.

She may have made a bargain to pay him well if he will kidnap me, or in any way get me back to Fairview.

"Are you going back home to Fairview to-night, Miss Talcott?"

"Then I will call on you at Fairview.

"You don't want me back at Fairview?" "I said so, didn't I?" snapped Miss Lavinia.

You don't want to ever return to Fairview?"

You will not disgrace me by having anything to do with anybody in Fairview.

so she can't stop me joining the show, nor force me back to Fairview.

Nobody appears to be looking for me to go back to Fairview.

In another pocket was discovered a draft for three thousand dollars, made over to the same false name by Miss Lavinia Talcott on the bank at Fairview.

It seemed that the letter Jim Tapp and Murdock had secured was from Mr. Graham, back at Fairview.

The tents all had names, it appeared; there was Bedlam and Avernus, Jabberwocky, Hornets, Nevermore, Gibraltar, Tamaracks, Fairview, Woodpeckers, Ravens, All Saints, Aloha, and a number of others which the Winnebagos could not remember at one hearing.

He was born March 11, 1822, at "Fairview", near Bowie, Prince Georges County, Marylanda plantation of 1000 acres, then belonging to Governor Oden Bowie's father.

He said that he still remembers when Mr. Oden Bowie (later governor) left with the army of invasion of Mexico (1846-1848), and of his being brought home ill after several years was nursed back to health at "Fairview".

From the "Fairview" stables went such celebrated horses as Dickens, Catespy, Crickmore, Commensation, Creknob, who carried the Bowie colors to the front on many well-contested race courses.

"Fairview" is located in the upper part of what was called the "Forest" of Prince Georges County, a few miles southwest of Collington Station.

"Fairview" is one of the oldest and finest homes in Maryland.

He devised "Fairview" to his son-in-law and the latter's children, and it ultimately became the property of his grandson, afterward known as Col. William B.[TR.?]

"Once before de wah, I was ridin Lazy, my donkey, a few miles from de boss' place at Fairview, when along came a dozen or more patrollers.

Advance payments necessary for extra labor and their own liberal wages were deposited at the Fairview Bank by Professor Gray and the boys were given a drawing account thereon, with a simple expense book to keep.

Fairview had heard of these entertainments and so many people had asked Bill and Gus if they might attend, the boys became aware that the modest little living-room of the Brown home would not hold half of them.

Bill shouted the school yell and the class year: "Umpah, umpah, ho, ho; it's up to you, Fairview, 1922!"

58 examples of  fairview  in sentences