558 examples of ferocities in sentences

They were first to find the trail, and with all the ferocity of their blood-eating nature followed it with quick exciting leaps.

All of the wild ferocity of his nature was roused in an instant.

The first blows served only to add to Kazan's hatred of man, and the ferocity and fearlessness of his attacks.

Sickened by the follies, the failures, the ferocities, the foulnesses of mankind, for ages upon ages past?

How slight the mysterious touch that throws the smooth-running human mechanism into a chaos of jarring elements, that transforms, in the turn of an eyelash, the mild humanity of the gentlest of beings into the unreasoning ferocity of the tiger.

The Danes had been established during a longer period in England than in France; and though the similarity of their original language to that of the Saxons invited them to a more early coalition with the natives, they had hitherto found so little example of civilized manners among the English that they retained all their ancient ferocity, and valued themselves only on their national character of military bravery.

Yet there was a ferocity in her that froze the cry.

Henrich was much moved at the impassioned eagerness of the Indian, whose naturally mild and pensive expression was now changed for one of bitter disappointment, and even of ferocity, and then again animated with a look of anxious hope and inquiry.

Lurking in the dust and grass of camps, she burrows beneath the skin of our toes, choosing with a calculated ferocity the tender junction of the nails with the protesting flesh.

We are hunted like wolves, and it is not surprising that we sometimes show the ferocity of the beasts yon take us for.

"A man of his reputed passions and ferocity may well have sought to revenge defeat by violence!"

Sabota's eyes glared down into the face of the man he was choking to deathgleaming with the ferocity of an animal gone madAwhile bloody foam spewed from his bleeding lips.

DAVID D'ANGERS Brutalities and ferocities were mingled together.

The first measure which his Lordship attempted after his arrival, was to mitigate the ferocity with which the war was carried on; one of the objects, as he explained to my friend who visited him at Genoa, which induced him to embark in the cause.

As soon as Mrs. Willoughby, however, interposed, the gleam of ferocity that passed so naturally and readily athwart the swarthy features of the savage, melted into a look of gentleness, and there were moments when it might be almost termed softness.

First of these is the circumpolar species, Ursus maritimus, the white or polar bear, which most of us grew up to regard as the very incarnation of tenacious ferocity, but which, as it appears from the recitals of late Arctic explorers, dies easily to a single shot, and does not seem to afford much better sport than so much rabbit shooting.

He has northern blood in his veins which checks impulsiveness and everything approaching that solemn ferocity sometimes displayed in Methodist pulpits.

The Samnite name, he said, with his cold ferocity, must be erased from the earth, or Rome could never rest.

He can out-rival Dennis in ferocity, and Congreve in filth.

He mitigated the ferocities of war.

He will note that they rival the song-thrush in magnitude and the Bengal tiger in ferocity.

The whole marg was become lake or streamlake over the polo-ground and half the golf-linksfed by the weeping slopes on every side, whence innumerable rills rioted over the grass, emulating in ferocity and haste, if not in size, the tawny torrents which drained the sides of Apharwat.

In every Huron town were shrivelled hags, hideous and despised, who, in vindictiveness, ferocity, and cruelty, far exceeded the men.

These barbarous propensities have long been the theme of French satyrists; and though I do not pretend to infer that they are national, yet certainly the revolution has produced instances of ferocity not to be paralleled in any country that ever had been civilized, and still less in one that had not.

He stopped the panorama with a cough, and said: "The entire population of this particular jungle areboa constrictors of unprecedented size and ferocity.

558 examples of  ferocities  in sentences