93 examples of yerself in sentences

"You'll be old yerself some day," she sobbed, not noticing that he was stealthily edging toward the door, one eye on her, one on to-morrow's pot-roast.

"Yew ain't a-gwine ter make a fool o' yerself, an' jump over the broomstick ag'in?"

This is how it stands, Gateseither go forrard quietly yerself, er the both of us will kick you there.

Make yerself to hum.

"Yo like it yerself, don't ye, little missy?"

"All I ask ye to do, cap'n, is come down and have a look at it for yerself.

I wash my hands o' the whole cussed mess if ye don't look at it and see for yerself.

"I guess I better go down, Mr. Harris, and look this thing over and get it off yer mind, or ye'll be fretting yerself and losing sleep with such yarns running wild in yer top-piece.

"What's the good o' bein' master if ye can't protect yerself and yer ship?

"What ye trying to domake a Punch and Judy show of yerself?

"Gawd strike me blind if 'e didn't! 'Take a walk for yerself down the trail with Petrak,' he says.

Youse'll have to pay for your fun yerself, or they'll throw yer out.

Why, Misther Braboy, ye don't nade ter demane yerself by marryin' a colored ladynot but they 're as good as anybody else, so long as they behave themselves.

An' there 's half a dollar; ye can buy yerself a pipe er terbacky.

Come, stir yerself!"

"Ah, don't trouble yerself about that, squire; I don'tthat is entirely off my mind; for now Whitticar is dead, where is yer witnesses?

When it came to the pinch, I wasn't equal to the job, so ye couldn't wait for another time, but out with yer pistol, and does it yerself."

Number Seven, don't throw yerself about in that drunken manner, you'll miss the saddle altogether presently, coming downcan't expect the 'orse to catch you every time.

Number Eight, restrain yerself, me lad, restrain yerself, you ain't shadow-sparrin', you know.

Number Eight, restrain yerself, me lad, restrain yerself, you ain't shadow-sparrin', you know.

But, as she afterwards observed, "there's times when you worrit along for days together, an' no seemin' good of it; an' then one mornin' you wakes up to find everything goin' like clockwork, an' yerself standin' by, an' watchin', an' feelin' small.

"'Ullo yerself!"

This is Arthur Miles, an' I've told 'im all along as you're the best and 'elpfullest o' menan' so you are, if you pull yerself together.

That lovin', givin' up, suff'rin', dyin' part, ye know it all yerself, an' I can't kinder say much on it, 'cept when I 'm jest all by myself, or'long

Now ye know it yerself by heart, an' ye 've knowed it all yer born days, so ye can't begin to tell how new an' 'stonishin' 't was to me,

93 examples of  yerself  in sentences