8 adjectives to describe crystallization

Its surface was broken into a thousand unaccountable figures; conical and pyramidical crystallizations, more than fifty feet in height, rise from its surface, and precipices of ice, of dazzling splendor, overhang the woods and meadows of the vale.

The afternoon had been saturated with emotional excitement and the moment had come for its inevitable crystallization into fateful words.

The new "reredos," or altar screen, is one marvelous crystallization of sculptures.

No leaps, no starts will avail us, by patient crystallization alone the equal temper of wisdom is attainable.

" Of private history: "On Jan. 2nd there was a most remarkable crystallization of the ice on the flooded meadows at Playford: the frost was very severe.

Still it is not without difficulty, on account of a singular crystallization of the amalgam.

The thought of their ignorance of the treasure, not a dozen yards distant, has often made me question if we all are not equally unaware of other and greater processes of life, of more perfect, sublimed, and, as it were, spiritual crystallizations going on invisibly about us.

The scanty description of Captains Irby and Mangles, the only one I had read, gave me no distinct idea of its position or appearance; and when, the other day, I first saw it looming grand and gray among the gray hills, more like a vast natural crystallization than the product of human art, I revelled in the novelty of that startling first impression.

8 adjectives to describe  crystallization