7 adjectives to describe rovings

Its ways are unaccountable and inexplicable, being answerable to the numberless rovings of fancy and windings of language.

What her next Sally will be, I cannot guess: but in the mean time my Request to you is, that if there be any way to come at these wild unaccountable Rovings of Imagination by Reason and Argument, you'd speedily afford us your Assistance.

Suddenly, in their languid, listless roving, my eyes encountered those of my attendant fixed full upon me, while a smile distorted the homely, sallow face, disclosing a set of yellow teeth, sound, short, and strong, like regular grains of corn.

Throughout the morning they continued their somewhat aimless roving, slaughtering such white households as they reached, enlisting recruits by persuasion or coercion, and heightening their courage by draughts upon the apple-brandy in which the county, by virtue of its many orchards and stills, abounded.

IN THE ALBUM OF ROTHA Q[UILLINAN] A passing glance was all I caught of thee, In my own Enfield haunts at random roving.

Since passion may not fire thee, Shall nature cease to bow? Thy mind is ever moving In regions dark to thee; Recall its useless roving, Come back, and dwell with me.

Suddenly, in their languid, listless roving, my eyes encountered those of my attendant fixed full upon me, while a smile distorted the homely, sallow face, disclosing a set of yellow teeth, sound, short, and strong, like regular grains of corn.

7 adjectives to describe  rovings