16 examples of huysmans in sentences

She was alternately reading Huysmans' highly imaginative ideas on Gothic cathedrals, and letting her eyes stray up and down the long façade of the great Louis.

Huysmans is quite right, ideas are well enough until you are twenty, afterwards only words are bearable ... a new idea, what can be more insipidfit for members of parliament....

I remember Huysmans speaks of Mallarmé in "A Rebours."

In hours like these a page of Huysmans is as a dose of opium, a glass of some exquisite and powerful liqueur.

" Huysmans goes to my soul like a gold ornament of Byzantine workmanship; there is in his style the yearning charm of arches, a sense of ritual, the passion of the mural, of the window.

What Hugo did for French verse, Flaubert, Goncourt, Zola, and Huysmans have done for French prose.

J. K. Huysmans.


J. K. Huysmans.


Huysmans is quite right, ideas are well enough until you are twenty, afterwards only words are bearable...a new idea, what can be more insipidfit for members of parliament.

I remember Huysmans speaks of Mallarmé in "A Rebours."

In hours like these a page of Huysmans is as a dose of opium, a glass of something exquisite and spirituous.

" Huysmans goes to my soul like a gold ornament of Byzantine workmanship: there is in his style the yearning charm of arches, a sense of ritual, the passion of the Gothic, of the window.

What Hugo did for French verse, Flaubert, Goncourt, Zola, and Huysmans have done for French prose.

" End of Project Gutenberg's Against The Grain, by Joris-Karl Huysmans [Transcriber's Note, to forestall future queries: This translation, as printed, omits two sections: chapter 6 entirely, and a few paragraphs near the end of chapter 9 (totalling 2500 words, or about 4%).

16 examples of  huysmans  in sentences