87 examples of omelette in sentences

As the omelette soufflée said to the cook.

I regret to disturb you, Major,"here his glance rested blankly upon the rich golden-brown surface of Clem's omelette, and it seemed to me that the thread of his intention was broken for an instant by a fit of absentmindedness.

He resumed his speech only after an appreciable pause, as if the omelette had reminded him of something.

" Again had my caller's glance trailed across the breakfast table, where the omelette, the muffins, and the coffee-urn waited.

" "Then you dined at the City Hotel?" "Major Blake, I will be honest with youI did!" "Clem, another omelette, quickbut first fetch some oranges, then put on a lot more of that Virginia ham and mix up some waffles, too.

"If ever you come to New York" He tore himself from the omelette long enough to scribble the name of a club on the card by my plate.

"I rarely crave more than coffee and a roll in the morning," he continued, after the second omelette, the ham, the waffles, and more coffee had been consumed.

" "One cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs, sir.

" A nameless fear shot through me, causing me to swallow a mouthful of omelette the wrong way.

I nodded moodily and speared another slab of omelette.

It is not merely an old, grey-moustached officer whom you see eating his omelette or draining his glass, but it is a fragment of history.

An omelette made in a sombrero was unthinkable.

Mexican omelette.

Kay English (W); 14Oct66; R395428. Mexican omelette.


Break four eggs, beat them up till thin enough to pass through a hair sieve, then beat them up till perfectly smooth and thin; a small omelette frying-pan is necessary for cooking it well.

A salamander is frequently held over the unfried side of the omelette to take off the rawness it may otherwise have.


Add to the eggs, after they are well beaten as directed in the last receipt, half a tea-cup full of finely minced chorisa; this omelette must be lightly fried on both sides, or the salamander held over long enough to dress the chorisa.

Soften a little preserve by holding it over the fire, or mixing a little warm water with it, spread it slightly over the omelette, have the remainder of the whites whisked to a froth with white sugar, and lay it on the preserve; slide the omelette on to a hot dish, double it, and serve directly.

Soften a little preserve by holding it over the fire, or mixing a little warm water with it, spread it slightly over the omelette, have the remainder of the whites whisked to a froth with white sugar, and lay it on the preserve; slide the omelette on to a hot dish, double it, and serve directly.

omelette, 109. stewed with rice and fowl, 83.

Eggs, scallopped, 98. savoury, 98. See omelette.

sauce to bottle, 22. stewed white, 39, brown, 41. stewed in Dutch fashion, 40. salad, 44, 40. fritters, 47. omelette, 47. scallopped, 58. baked haddocks, 43. herrings, 43, 44. mackarel, 44. escobeche, 34. stewed carp, 41, 42. of, fillets, 42. water souchy, 41. impanado, 55. white bait, 45, 46. fricandelle, 46.

omelette, 142.

87 examples of  omelette  in sentences