13 examples of tive in sentences

ly in dig' nant un bear' a ble med' dle some en light' ened in quis' i tive THE GRUMBLING PUSS.

* 83 sau' cy ig nored' rev' eled plain' tive dis traught' wea' ri some rol' lick ing mis' chie vous frec'kle-faced THE BOY OF THE HOUSE.

He sigh-ed as he look-ed up-on such a-bun-dance, which would have di-ned sump-tu-ous-ly his own na-tive vil-lage.

Wil-lie's mo-ther smi-led up-on him, as he con-clu-ded his nar-ra-tive, with a kiss.

"Come, Kit-ty, come; you need not fear, Nor make that plain-tive mew; Don't be a-fraid, but ven-ture near, And lap the milk we bring you here,

"Gideonposi-tive-ly his las' puffawmunce."

| tive.

" [Illustration] A lit-tle girl Read in her book, How a wick-ed boy A wild bird took From out its nest In the green-wood tree A cap-tive now 'Tis forced to be, And flutters its poor wings all day long, And beats the bars of its cage so strong.

3.00| 2.90| 1.00| 8.80| 3.00| 1.80| 5.40| 12.00| 5.90| 9.20 Extrac- tive | 57.29| 59.33| 65.00| 19.47| 58.40| 65.67| 26.89| 20.82| 23.77| 28.50

There are two hundred and forty-five words of this ending; and more than two hundred deriva- tives from them.

tive story magazine, Feb. 19-Mar. 12, 1927)

tive pupil; but it was very difficult for his untutored mind to master these, to him, puzzling hieroglyphics.

So myStocking (I must use the word) will be seen, The latest and best Automatic Machine, Which nobody can deny! "Think, children, of Ac-cu-mu-la-tive Con-sols! Much better than bull's eyes, and peg-tops, and dolls!

13 examples of  tive  in sentences