28 examples of wedding-dress in sentences

The wedding-dress is classic, a simple, very long dress of white satin, and generally a tulle veil over the face.

It was like Mary to be concerned about the wedding-dress superstition.

All the explanations having been made, the good lady drew from her wardrobe a venerable gown of taffeta, which had been her wedding-dress.

I'll make you a hempen wedding-dress, and pull it on over your head directly.

Here, count: my wedding-dress of blond lace over a satin slip; and three velvetsthat makes four; two gauze and a crape embroidered with goldthat's seven; three satin, and three grosgrainthat's thirteen; gros de Naples and gros d'Afrique, seventhat's twenty; three marceline, two mousseline de ligne, two Chine royalehow many's that?three

"That'sohthat's my wife's wedding-dress," said James, unfolding and shaking out a rich satin; "and here's her shawl," drawing out an embroidered box, scented with sandal-wood.

"But the wedding-dress can't be made, possibly.

And among the wonders of Mapleton Miss Briskett announced it as chief, that it was the first time she ever heard of a bride that was married first and had her wedding-dress made the week after!

She took out her wedding-dress from the drawer where she had laid it tenderly away; the hoar-frost and fretted pearl fell down upon her faded morning-dress; the little creamy gloves hung loosely upon her worn fingers.

When I tell you that part o' the wedding-dress wot she was making 'ad to be taken away from 'er because o' the tears she dropped on it, you may 'ave some idea of wot things are like.

When I tell you that part o' the wedding-dress wot she was making 'ad to be taken away from 'er because o' the tears she dropped on it, you may 'ave some idea of wot things are like.

They were then married to the young negresses who had meanwhile been taught cooking and washing in the Sultan's palacesexcept those who were pretty, and these were given a musical education, after which each one received a wedding-dress and a marriage settlement, and was handed over to her husband.

"There, Lurindy," says I, "John told me to tell you to have your wedding-dress ready against he came home,he's gone mate,and here it is."

My wedding-dress all made, and not to be worn!

" "Well, I will Essnow then we won't talk about that any morepray tell me, if I'm not too inquisitive, what do you purpose buying with your moneya wedding-dress, eh?"

One made all the toilet of the bureau, another of the bed, and we all sewed on the wedding-dress together.

"Why, I saw the description of the wedding-dress in the paper the other day.

While the good lady spoke, she was reverentially unpinning and shaking out of their fragrant folds creamy crape shawls of rich Chinese embroidery,India muslin, scarfs, and aprons; and already her hands were undoing the pins of a silvery damask linen in which was wrapped her own wedding-dress.

"This was my wedding-dress," she said.

" "Really, Miss Scudder, this ought to be kept for her wedding-dress," said Miss Prissy, as she delightedly bustled about the congenial task.

The Doctor looked innocent and helpless, while Miss Prissy, having got him now quite into her power, went on volubly to expatiate on the difficulties overcome in adapting the ancient wedding-dress to its present modern fit.

There was the delight, too, every day of inspecting the parcels that arrived one after the other; but the greatest pleasure of all was afforded by the wedding-dress.

Few daughters expected to have one until it was bought for their wedding-dress.

Our spirits being now temporarily revived, I am undergoing the operation of trying my wedding-dress.

" Her wedding-dress was a gorgeous robe of Spanish velvet, rich in embroideries of gold and silver; the suite of rooms which was to be hers as Queen was already ready, with its splendours of crimson and gold furnishing.

28 examples of  wedding-dress  in sentences