14 examples of make breakfast in sentences

The Boy made breakfast without waiting for the usual hour.


He never made breakfasts, but used in the morning to drink a glass of some sort of ale.

They made breakfast, broke camp, packed, and mushed.

He made breakfast for the prisoner and himself.

His daughter, a very pleasing young lady, made breakfast.

Now, presently, the bo'sun called out to one of the men to make breakfast, and when it was ready we came to it, leaving the man with the wounded arm to keep watch; then when we had made an end, he sent him, that had lost his fingers, to keep a look-out whilst the other came to the fire and ate his breakfast.

"Beaumont knocked me up about midday and I went down and made breakfast into lunch.

At dawn he lit the fire himself, made breakfast, and woke the others, and by seven they were well on their way back to the home campthree perplexed and afflicted men, but each in his own way having reduced his inner turmoil to a condition of more or less systematized order again.

"I'm dying with hunger, and the scent of milk makes breakfast seem more desirable than ever.

Several Arabs were resting in its shade, and we hoped to find there the water we were looking for, in order to make breakfast.

Thy candy soothes the infant in its pram; Thou addest mellowness to old brown sherry; Thou glorifiest marmalade, on Cam And Isis making breakfast-tables merry; Thou lendest magic to the meanest jam Compounded of the most insipid berry; And canst convert the sourest crabs and quinces To jellies fit for epicures and princes.

So we sipped the well-made breakfast tea beneath the cherry blossoms as I told her about my boys and Miss Lavinia's expected visit.

Now why did you say that?" "I thought you were making breakfast an excuse," I said, "because you didn't like the subject.

14 examples of  make breakfast  in sentences