630 examples of wardrobes in sentences

Kruft was very sympathetic, understood quite well how I felt, and was ready to do anything in the way of stoves, baths, wardrobes in the lingerie, new carpets, and curtains, that I wanted.

They ordered the best champagne out of the cellars and drank it, the men cleared all the cigar-boxes, and the women rummaged in the wardrobes until they seemed like a pack of hungry wolves.

Ada and Ruth, in tears, submitted to having their wardrobes censored, and thereafter appeared in clothes that were not too striking.

Terrence, in order to obviate in a measure this inconvenience, suggested that they divide their wardrobes between their hammocks and their bags, stowing their few frocks and trowsers in the former, so that they could change at night when the hammocks were piped down.

And make therein divers distinctions of places and chambers and of wardrobes.

In company with the greater portion of American mothers, she devotes considerable time and strength and money to the wardrobes of her boys and girls.

That would be the special merit of the bookthat you would get, out of wardrobes and drawers and off the dressing-table, the things it mentioned as you read them and shove them in.

Proteus-like, in all forms and disguises, that go abroad in the night, to inescate and beguile young women, or to have their pleasure of other men's wives; and, if we may believe [5220] some relations, they have wardrobes of several suits in the colleges for that purpose.

My bed with its mosquito-curtains stands like a little island in a vast sea of matting, and there are two large wardrobes, what they call almirahs, a dressing-table, and two chairs.

A few minutes later, however, she forgot the incident of the dropped bag in admiring her pretty suite of white and green rooms, the bath, and the cedar-lined wardrobes in the wall, which she remembered as typically American.

Mrs. Linceford has just got home from Paris, and brought them wardrobes to last to remotest posterity!

Certainly there was a bed; there was no mistake about that; and there seemed to be wardrobes sunk to the level of the walls on all sides; but although in this room he thought he recognized the use of everything which he saw, there was no single thing that wore a familiar aspect.

Furthermore, he would also possess the notarial studiothe dusty office with its ancient furniture and great wardrobes, with its screen doors and green curtains, behind which reposed the volumes of the protocol, covered with yellowing calfskin with initials and numbers on their backs.

Our trunks unpacked, wardrobes arranged in closets and drawers, the excitement of seeing friends over, we spent some time in making plans for the future.

To keep a house and grounds in good order, purchase every article for daily use, keep the wardrobes of half a dozen human beings in proper trim, take the children to dentists, shoemakers, and different schools, or find teachers at home, altogether made sufficient work to keep one brain busy, as well as all the hands I could impress into the service.

As it may be supposed, conflagrations are frequent in these hovels; they are fortunately seldom attended with loss of life, or even of much property, since the household furniture and wardrobes of the family can be easily secured and carried off, while the people themselves have nothing to do but to walk out.

The acquaintance resulted in a thorough depletion of the wardrobes of the captured gentlemen.

Wardrobes and trunks were broken open; clocks, shoes, money, everything was carried off.

Above these were piled pell-mell bedding and chairs, wardrobes and wash basins, all splintered and brokenthe whole making the most pitiable conglomeration I ever hope to witness.

These useful articles of furniture, in the absence of wardrobes, are described in inventories of the time (1680-1720) as "press cupboards," "great cupboards," "wainscot," and "joyned cupboards.

That heap of splintered wardrobes and legless tables was once a furniture warehouse.

The daughter of the hot-blooded Peter and the lusty scullery wench had always as great a passion for men as the second Catherine, who had almost as many favourites in her boudoir as gowns in her wardrobes.

Real (really) kings hide away their crowns in their wardrobes, and affect a plain and poor exterior.

kings hide away their crowns in their wardrobes, and affect a plain and poor exterior.

" "I am no exciseman, to pry into wardrobes and secret repositories, but one whose duty it is to act only on the high seas, and against the more open violators of the law.

630 examples of  wardrobes  in sentences