6 adjectives to describe resides

One morning on awaking from sleep my thoughts were deeply engaged on some arcana of conjugial love, and at length on this, "In what region of the human mind does love truly conjugial reside, and thence in what region does conjugial cold reside?"

"Assuming that the latter question is answered in the affirmative, then after such disposition of the right to exercise sovereignty, which will presumably be a limited right, where does the actual sovereignty reside?

Of balls, and routs, and midnight masquerades, Where dangerous men and dangerous mirth reside, And Virtue goeson purpose to be tried.

But her special pre-eminence resides in the possession of what, to adapt a famous phrase, may be called an anima naturaliter jocosa.

All the concupiscences of evil reside in the lowest region of the mind, which is called the natural; but in the region above, which is called the spiritual, there are not any concupiscences of evil, 305.

The rational resides in the brain, the other in the liver (as before hath been said out of Plato and others); the heart is diversely affected of both, and carried a thousand ways by consent.

6 adjectives to describe  resides